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Tasmania, traditionally a better performer in terms of return to work, remains above the national average. The downward trend in the Returned to Work Rate noted between 2008–09 and 2010–11 has halted. There has been a 1% improvement over the last year, and Tasmania remains above the national average in the Returned to Work Rate.

There has also been a 1% improvement in the Current Return to Work Rate in Tasmania.

The Returned to Work Rate is the percentage of cases where the worker returned to work at some stage between the time of the lodging their claim and the time of the survey. They may or may not have remained at work.  The Returned to Work Rate is equivalent to the Return to Work Rate recorded in earlier versions of the Monitor.

The Current Return to Work Rate is the percentage of workers who had returned to work and were working at the time of the survey, 7 to 9 months after submitting their claim.   The Current Return to Work Rate is equivalent to the Durable Return to Work Rate reported in earlier versions of the monitor.