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Committed employees: Key principles for involving workers

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Getting senior management on board is a pre-requisite for attaining employee commitment to injury management systems.  Once this is achieved, worker involvement is best encouraged by:

Ensuring that management’s commitment to the program is visible;


Educating workers about the health, social and family benefits of early return to work and good injury management;


Involving employee representatives (for example trade union and health and safety representatives) at the beginning of the process;


Asking employees and their representatives to help evaluate problems with the current system;


Involving employees and their representatives in working out solutions; and


If improvements to the injury management system will only apply to a limited section of the organisation, giving serious thought as to how best inform other employees.



flag_green     Getting senior management on board leads to middle
management being  involved.

Supervisors then pay attention, and their awareness trickles down to
the rest of the workforce.