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Implementing policy

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Implementing policy isn’t always easy, but there are three key steps that help put injury management plans into action.

1.Get senior management support for the policy. Work disability policy implementation is significantly more successful if senior management support is evident. Senior management endorsement of the policy, and demonstration of leadership by being active players, makes a substantial difference to policy implementation.
For more information on how to win, maintain and demonstrate senior management support, see:
Making the case for best practice RTW
2.Make the policy available through posters, the internet or internal web site, toolbox meetings, staff training, newsletters, induction manuals, and annual reports. If employees don’t know about policies, they can’t comply with them!
3.Visibly apply the policy. The policy needs to be applied and be seen to be applied. Consequences should be outlined to deal with situations where the policy is not followed. Managers who breach the policy should be disciplined.


flag_green   A well written work disability policy allows the organisation to assess performance against stated
commitments and objectives.