Case Management Handbook


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Articles about 'Suitable duties'

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Common causes of workplace pain

contributorAnna Kelsey-Sugg

Understanding musculoskeletal pain will increase productivity and health.

Sprains and strains causing RTW pain?

contributorGabrielle Lis

How-to Guide: Using modified duties to promote durable return to work.

Top ten tips for super smooth supervising of RTW

contributorGabrielle Lis

Supervising return to work ain't easy...unless you've read our latest top ten!

Quality control in RTW: Spend less, achieve more

contributorFrederieke Schaafsma

In the case of Mr S, a well managed return to work system saves an employer $$ and provides good outcomes for a worker with anxiety.

Loss of motivation is common when people remain on part-time modified duties

contributorSarah Duffield

A project manager develops an overuse injury and is still on part-time restricted duties after many months.

Early, quality support for workers with significant injuries is important.

contributorSarah Duffield

A long standing employee sustained a significant knee injury at work. Effective coordination and rehabilitation would have changed his life.

When adequate rehabilitation is not enough

contributorSarah Duffield

A long-term stable worker sustains a significant hip injury. While he has returned to work on restricted duties, a long term view is needed.