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Articles about 'Webinars'

Return to Work Matters regularly hold online webinars with industry experts on topics that are central to good return to work practice. Informative and practical presentations are followed by Q&A sessions with those people attending the events live.

Below you will find a selection of our most popular recordings from our live webinar series.

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Webinar recording: Expectations Management in Vocational Rehabilitation

contributorDr Boris Fedoric

This webinar is designed to educate individuals working in the injury management space on a variety of expectations and constraints that can affect return to work.

Webinar recording: The challenge of bullying – the negative consequences and effective responses

contributorMichael Plowright

This webinar explores the nature and effects of workplace bullying and what factors help to ensure a safe return to work.

Webinar recording: Return to Work Coordinators, Doctors and Return to Work: an update

contributorTyler Lane

New research on the influence of return to work coordinators and health care providers on return to work

Webinar recording: A work-design focused Return to Work process

contributorMeredith Carr

Meredith Carr discusses how to effectively implement a work-design focused RTW process and the benefits that are gained by adopting evidence-based work design principles.

Webinar recording: The importance of social connection in RTW

contributorDr Caroline Howe

Associate Professor Caroline Howe explains what icare's research into social connection tells us.

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 3 - Shoulders and knees

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In our final webinar of our series, Dr Wyatt explains common shoulder and knee problems and how to assist employees with related conditions.

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 2: Neck and Back Pain

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In part two of our three-part series, Dr Wyatt explains common neck and back problems and what's important in helping employees manage them.

Webinar recording: From theory to practice - Creating psychologically healthy workplaces

contributorDr Natasha Lazareski (Kiso)

Practical steps to build and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace and minimise psychosocial risks.

Webinar recording: The cross sector project -Mapping Australian Systems of Income Support for People with Health-Related Work Incapacity

contributorMichael Di Donato

Michael Di Donato reports on the project undertaken by the Insurance Work and Health Group, Monash University.

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 1: Introduction

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In part one of our three part series, Dr Wyatt covers the basics of musculoskeletal conditions, including difficulties employees face.

Webinar recording: Work-related psychological health and safety matters.

contributorPeta Miller

Meeting your duties under the work health and safety laws.

Webinar recording: Hacking Return To Work: 3 surprisingly simple RTW strategies you can use right now

contributorMark Stipic

RTW strategies you can use right now to speed up your outcomes and deal with complex cases

Webinar recording: Understanding and using Self-efficacy in RTW

contributorOllie Black

Ollie Black presents on ''Self Efficacy" - a person-level concept that impacts return to work.

Webinar recording: Working with a Company Doctor - A Unique Medical Discipline

contributorDr James Crompton

Dr James Crompton discusses the role of the company doctor, including employer expectations, limitations and how they can help.