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The Case Management Handbook provides a practical approach to dealing with individuals and their return to work.

It has been prepared for Return to Work Coordinators by RTWMatters.

It's easy to miss the beginning of the RTW

. While you might think that RTW starts when an employee actually returns to the workplace, the first five minutes, the first two days, the first week after illness or injury are actually key markers for disability management.

This section of the handbook is focussed on providing you with a practical plan of attack for RTW. It goes the whole gamut, from the very beginning of the process through to the ins and outs of long term claims. To facilitate successful RTW you need to know:

What to do and when to do it

How to identify problem claims before you trip over them

What's at stake in RTW

How to manage workplace modifications, suitable duties and processes.

Think of this section of the handbook as your Plan of Action.