
Download resources

Cheryl Griffiths

Here is a sample of our growing list of ready-to-use downloadable forms, presentations, letter templates, handouts and guides.

Download these resources to your PC to steamline your work and build a more organised, efficient return to work system.

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Injury and Case Management Handbook
There's only so much you can learn in a two day course. Being a return to work coordinator is a complex, demanding, often frustrating job. The RTW Matters Injury and Case Management Handbook provides practical, simple and clear information.

Welcome Gift: Complimentary 97 page eBook version worth $88, emailed directly to you upon becoming a subscriber

  Injury immediate response toolkit
A poor response to the initial inury report sets up a problem claim. Consistent and positive initial responses provide one of the best opportunities to improve injury management. Get your initial response in shape with the editable 8 page toolkit for supervisors to give to employees at first injury report.
Identifying high risk cases
Most people deal with their health problem and remain at work or return to work quickly. A small but significant number don't. They suffer, and so does the workplace. The factors often associated with increased work disability are included in this downloadable checklist. High risk cases need more focus and support, and may need different approaches to achieve a good outcome.

  Communicating the demands of the job to the treating doctor
How do you describe a job so the treating doctor will understand the demands of the job? A description need to be clear, easy to understand, and make it easy for the doc to say "Yes, that's a good job for Joe to get back to." This example provides a simple outline of a job description.
Family member information
The impact of an injury or illness, or someone off work for a long period, is felt by those around them. This handout aims to let family members know what to expect, and what they can do to assist the person in their time of need.
  Return to work presentation for supervisors
The landmark Michigan study on work disability found senior management involvement was a common element in organisations that had low levels of work absence. This downloadable Powerpoint guides a coordinator in presenting to manageers to engage them in their role.