Research Updates

This page lists all research updates available on Return to Work Matters.

Research is chosen for review based on quality of the evidence and its practical value in return to work.

Requests to undertake reviews of research on particular subjects are welcome.

Click the ‘Topics’ button below to drill down into all articles and research updates on your topic of interest.

Medical narratives — a telling tale of how to communicate about problems and solutions in low back pain recovery

contributorLauren Finestone

A study shows how using medical narratives — or sharing stories about medical experiences — can...

Back on track — the use of mental health services by workers with low back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

Early mental health services can accelerate recovery, improve function and improve...

Don’t take back pain lying down — how rest can make ‘flares’ worse

contributorLauren Finestone

A study confirms that even small changes in your daily habits, like how long you sleep and how...

The outcomes of lumbar spinal fusion surgery — a tale of 2 studies

contributorLauren Finestone

Lumbar spinal fusion surgery is an increasing, but controversial procedure for chronic low back...

What do physios think about exercise programs to prevent low back pain?

contributorLauren Finestone

What do we know about physiotherapists’ understanding of, attitudes to and experiences of...

Scans rule, don’t they? Patient misbeliefs and misconceptions about spine conditions

contributorLauren Finestone

Misunderstandings and mistaken beliefs about the diagnosis and management of degenerative...

RTW expectations built on trust, workplace support and actions of treatment provider

contributorRTWMatters team

RTW expectations predict recovery from musculoskeletal injury. Workplace supports, trust and the...

Opportunity to increase value in low back pain care

contributorRTWMatters team

A single pain management skills session is as effective at reducing pain catastrophising for...

Workplace interventions to prevent sedentary pain

contributorGabrielle Lis

Are inflating and deflating “smart seats” the cure for back and neck pain amongst sedentary...

Back pain RTW delayed by poor mental health

contributorGabrielle Lis

Depression and anxiety delay sustained RTW for workers with work-related musculoskeletal...

Moving away from LBP

contributorGabrielle Lis

People with chronic, non specific low back pain may benefit from treatment that identifies and...

Treatment guidelines reduce LBP risk

contributorGabrielle Lis

Following international treatment guidelines reduces the risk of transition from short to long...

Evidence moves on frozen shoulder treatment

contributorGabrielle Lis

After rigorously comparing all the relevant, good quality evidence available in 2020, a team of...

Comparing LBP prevention approaches

contributorGabrielle Lis

Fixing the workplace or fixing the person: which is a more effective way to prevent lower back pain?

Talking about episodic disability at work

contributorRTWMatters team

Canadian researchers explore organisational perspectives on talking about episodic disability at...

The more the spine changes, the more it stays the same?

contributorRTWMatters team

Neck X-rays show that changes to the cervical spine are common, and become more common and more...

Predicting – without overtreating – chronic LBP

contributorGabrielle Lis

A screening tool developed in Australia could help workers’ compensation systems and treating...

Are health apps the way forward for chronic MSDs?

contributorRTWMatters team

A promising new digital care program that monitors exercise and offers personal health coaching...

Work demands, work ability and MSDs

contributorGabrielle Lis

Work that places strain on the lower back reduces work ability more than other types of physical...

Digging up trouble

contributorGabrielle Lis

Macho workplace cultures and frictional compensation systems yield financial and emotional...

How to reduce lost time due to shoulder injuries

contributorGabrielle Lis

Around a quarter of work absence due to shoulder injury could be prevented if organisations...

Mining the resources that prevent chronic LBP

contributorGabrielle Lis

Good mental health, social support at work and home, and job satisfaction protect against...

Angry nurses have more MSDs - and there's a link to social demands / support

contributorGabrielle Lis

Nurses who think they offer their colleagues more support than they get in return are more...

Less LBP pain and more function with early RTW

contributorGabrielle Lis

Health practitioners and employers take note: with appropriate support and appropriate duties,...

Worker perspectives on back pain, heavy manual labour and sickness absence

contributorRTWMatters team

Danish researchers conclude that ergonomics training can cause confusion and stress, while...

Putting the "social" back in biopsychosocial

contributorRTWMatters team

What does the international evidence say about the impact of compensation systems, health care...

An intervention for low back pain that works

contributorGabrielle Lis

Evidence-based! Cost-effective! Proactive! Popular! You will love this new workplace...

Physical activity at work and low back pain

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Back problems are commonly attributed to work and many in the community believe that heavy...

Research short: How long will chronic low back pain last?

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

A Dutch study has produced a simple, efficient means for assessing the probable duration of low...

Research short: Getting disability off your back

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

New research shows patient anxiety and distress about a lower back complaint significantly...

Research short: Spinal manipulative therapy for chronic low back pain

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Researchers have found spinal manipulative therapy yields small improvements in chronic low back...

Guided internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment for chronic back pain reduces pain catastrophising

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

A randomized controlled trial from Sweden offers hope for chronic back pain sufferers.

Research short: A happy work is a healthy work

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Positive workplace environments are necessary for workplace health programs to be successful.

Research Short: Professional drivers and chronic back pain

contributorSean Gleeson

A Finnish study raises questions about previous associations between professional car driving...

Research short: Is there a better physio treatment for chronic lower back pain?

contributorSean Gleeson

A new study suggests therapeutic climbing may trump a standard exercise regime in treating lower...

Research short: Work is good for you, but...

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

The UK's treating practitioners say that work is beneficial, but how do they actually behave...

Research short: Is integrated care value for $?

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

A European study of an integrated care program for workers with long term back problems shows a...

Expecting the worst and fearing pain are tell-tale signs of slow RTW

contributorJulian Fernando

Identify high-risk patients to pip long term back problems at the proverbial post

Overtreatment HURTS

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

The US demonstrates how overtreating back pain causes more pain.

Treating back pain: when surgery does not make the cut

contributorHannah Bourne

A review of the effectiveness of non-surgical treatments for chronic low back pain.