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Articles about 'Medical conditions'

This summary page lists all of the articles available under the topic you selected. Click the topics in the left hand column to display other topics of interest.

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 2: Neck and Back Pain

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In part two of our three-part series, Dr Wyatt explains common neck and back problems and what's important in helping employees manage them.

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 1: Introduction

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In part one of our three part series, Dr Wyatt covers the basics of musculoskeletal conditions, including difficulties employees face.

Carpal tunnel: The nerve of it!

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

An introduction to the physiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Cancer and Fatigue: in the workplace

contributorA. Richey

When dealing with cancer, fatigue is a common side effect of treatments. It may include physical, emotional or mental tiredness, and is often unpredictable, hitting without warning.

Webinar Recording: Knee injuries - Getting employees back on their feet

contributorDr James Crompton

This webinar looks at work contribution to, the nature of, and rehab of knee injuries

Case Study: Time to heal

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Mr L, a tall, solid-framed, right-handed 58 year old man, reported pain in his right elbow. While improvement was reported over six months, he began to notice similar symptoms at his left elbow.

Case Study: It pays to do the right thing, even when dubious about a claim

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Michael was a 48-year-old machine operator. He had been at the workplace for nine months. During his probation period he worked well, but once permanent he missed considerable time from work with unplanned absences.

Case Study: How Things Can Go Wrong in Compensation Cases

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study looks at the additional injuries which can occur as a result of the workplace injury.

Case Study: Exploring other job options

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study explores the importance of providing options for the injured worker's return to work.

Case Study: I Told Them but They Didn't Listen

contributorA. Richey

Ms L is a right handed 46 year old who was employed for ten years to pack domestic cleaning chemicals. She was exposed to these chemicals in dust form.

eLearning: Musculoskeletal troubles

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Understanding the difficulties everyone faces with musculoskeletal problems can help you help workers.

Case study: everyone has a role to play

contributorStefanie Garber

Employers and supervisors are key components of the return to work process. Without their support, a return to work program is unlikely to lead to a successful outcome.

When disaster strikes

contributorStefanie Garber

The support offered to a worker with catastrophic injuries can be vital to the person's recovery.

Fixing pain versus managing injury

contributorStefanie Garber

Encouraging a client with a chronic injury to "manage" their condition may have better long-term outcomes than a quick fix.