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Articles about 'Medical conditions'

This summary page lists all of the articles available under the topic you selected. Click the topics in the left hand column to display other topics of interest.

Cartilage tears

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Knee cartilage tears explained. What is it, how is it diagnosed and how is it treated?

Chondromalacia - now what is that?

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This article provides information on knee cartilage disorders, their treatments and a case study.

Webinar Recording: Optimising outcomes for workers with back pain

contributorDr Jon Ford

Dr Jon Ford (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, PhD) discusses how to get the best return to work outcomes.

Webinar Recording: Adjustment Disorder and Work

contributorDr James Hundertmark

This webinar dispels the myths and explains what an adjustment disorder is, as well as its impact return to work.

Recorded Webinar: Claims Management - Promoting the claimant as the primary agent of recovery

contributorJohn Harrison

This webinar looks at the importance of having the claimant consider their own role in both the injury and the recovery.

My dickie neck: A personal tale

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Dr Mary Wyatt shares her experience as both clinician AND neck ache sufferer. What has she discovered from being both a patient and a doctor?

Recorded Webinar: Managing Psychological Claims in the Workplace

contributorKaye Frankcom

Psychological or mental health claims are a fast growing liability for most compensation schemes. Psychologist Kaye Frankcom addresses the appropriate management of these claims in the workplace.

Video: Understanding discs

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Disc bulge, disc degeneration, disc protrusion. These terms worry patients, but most of the time it's unnecessary.

The forest for the trees

contributorMary Harris

Identify the variables of chronic pain to remove barriers and achieve holistic return to work.

Rotator cuff troubles - video presentation

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Shoulder problems are the second most common work-related musculoskeletal problem. Here's an overview of rotator cuff conditions and the most common causes.

The opiate trap

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

The use of opiates in chronic pain cases should be carefully monitored. Patients need a high level of support and a good understanding of treatment options.

Back to the past

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Back pain flare-ups are a normal part of recovery. In fact, there's a 50% chance it can occur.

The terrible two: UNDER-use and OVER-care

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Have you ever wondered why some musculoskeletal injuries don't resolve as quickly as they should?

Making the most of a referral for pain management

contributorBronnie Thompson

A doctor may recommended a person attend pain management – what does this mean and how do you make the most of it?