Australian Consensus Statement on the Health Benefits of Work

Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Occupational Physicians garner stakeholder support to influence policy initiatives and stakeholder management of work and healthAustralian Consensus Statement on the Health Benefits of Work
At the heart of this consensus statement regarding the health benefits of work is a shared desire to improve the welfare of individuals, families and communities.
Realising the health benefits of work for all Australians requires a paradigm shift in thinking and practice. It necessitates cooperation between many stakeholders, including government, employers, unions, insurance companies, legal practitioners, advocacy groups, and the medical, nursing and allied health professions.
We, the undersigned, commit to working together to encourage and enable Australians to achieve the health and wellbeing benefits of work. We acknowledge the following fundamental principles about the relationship between health and work.
- Work is generally good for health and wellbeing.
- Long term work absence, work disability and unemployment have a negative impact on health and wellbeing.
- Work must be safe so far as is reasonably practicable.
- Work is an effective means of reducing poverty and social exclusion, including that faced by indigenous populations and other currently disadvantaged groups. With appropriate support, many of those who have the potential to work, but are not currently working because of economic or social inequalities, illness or acquired or congenital disability, can access the benefits of work.
- Work practices, workplace culture, work-life balance, injury management programs and relationships within workplaces are key determinates, not only of whether people feel valued and supported in their work roles, but also of individual health, wellbeing and productivity.
- Individuals seeking to enter the workforce for the first time, seeking reemployment or attempting to return to work after a period of injury or illness, face a complex situation with many variables. Good outcomes are more likely when individuals understand the health benefits of work, and are empowered to take responsibility for their own situation.
- Health professionals exert a significant influence on work absence and work disability, particularly in relation to medical sickness certification practices. This influence provides health professionals with many opportunities for patient advocacy, which includes, but is not limited to, recognition of the health benefits of work.
Government, employers, unions, insurance companies, legal practitioners, advocacy groups, and the medical, nursing and allied health professions all have a role to play in promoting the health benefits of work. Through actions appropriate to our various areas of responsibility or activity, we agree to:
- Promote awareness of the health benefits of work;
- Offer support and encouragement to those attempting to access the health benefits of work;
- Encourage employers’ continuing support of workers’ occupational health; and
- Advocate for continuous improvement in public policy around work and health, in line with the principles articulated above.
Adult Medicine Division of the RACP
Association of Self Insured Employers of Queensland
Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine
Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine
Australian Association of Occupational Therapists
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Australian Counselling Association
Australian Federal Police
Australian Life Underwriters and Claims Association
Australian Osteopathic Association
Australian Physiotherapy Association
Australian Psychological Society
Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association
Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors
Business Council of Australia
Career Industry Council of Australia
Chiropractors' Association of Australia
Ford Health
Health and Productivity Institute of Australia
Medibank Health Solutions
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Police Association of NSW
Police Federation of Australia
Public Health Association of Australia
Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Safety Institute of Australia
SafeWork Australia
WorkCover New South Wales
WorkCover Queensland
WorkCover South Australia
WorkSafe Victoria
WorkCover Western Australia
WorkSafe Western Australia
Published 04 April, 2011