
This page lists all practical and feature articles available on RTWMatters. From top ten tips, how to guides and case studies, through to webinar recordings and video interviews with industry experts.

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Why modern office work is not as safe as we think

contributorLauren Finestone

A literature and industry review is challenging the widespread belief that computer-based office...

Tipping points — addressing the challenges in a single parent’s RTW journey

contributorLauren Finestone

An injury from lifting a heavy box lift in a warehouse illustrates the pivotal moments when...

From doctor's office to work-ready — The tech revolution in RTW

contributorLauren Finestone

An award-winning tech solution improves RTW by transforming the traditionally paper-based...

Services beyond the scheme — EML's approach to supporting injured worker’s recovery

contributorLauren Finestone

EML is pioneering 2 services that extend support beyond traditional scheme boundaries to address...

Upstream is where it’s at — The case for systemic mental health reform at work

contributorLauren Finestone

To reduce psychological claims, organisations must move beyond surface-level interventions and...

Talk early, talk often — How conversations can transform a RTW journey

contributorLauren Finestone

When difficult workplace conversations don't happen, recovery stalls. Here's how better dialogue...

A new tool to help workers make a health disclosure decision

contributorInstitute for Work and Health

An evidence-based tool called DCIDE can help people think through a decision to share personal...

Happiness as a healing tool? — 5 strategies for supporting injured workers

contributorLauren Finestone

Did you know that by fostering happiness at work, RTW professionals and employers can support...

A story of hope for people living with persistent pain — Part 3: the clinician’s role in managing chronic back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

The final instalment of our summary of the podcast conversation between Dr Rangan Chatterjee and...

A story of hope for people living with persistent pain — Part 2: How movement and breathing can help back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

A podcast conversation between Dr. Rangan Chatterjee and Professor Peter O'Sullivan is a...

A story of hope for people living with persistent pain — Part 1: The mind-body connection in back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

A podcast conversation between Dr. Rangan Chatterjee and Professor Peter O'Sullivan is an...

Managing the use of medication in workers' compensation claims

contributorLauren Finestone

Medication management plays a crucial role in workers' compensation, but it's not without its...

Webinar recording — The future of recovery: Integrating AI to deliver evidence-based early intervention

contributorLibby Roberts

Libby Roberts explores how generative AI could revolutionise allied health by enabling scalable,...

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’s prescription for injury management success

contributorLauren Finestone

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS) has enhanced its RTW outcomes and reduced its...

Webinar recording — Chronic pain in claims

contributorKathy Hubble

Kathy Hubble of Amelio Health explores the nature of chronic pain and approaches to managing it...

How Return to Work SA’s Surgery Assist program is enhancing recovery and RTW — Part 2

contributorLauren Finestone

Return to Work SA’s approach to supporting injured workers through surgery and recovery is...

How Return to Work SA’s Surgery Assist program is enhancing recovery and RTW — Part 1

contributorLauren Finestone

Return to Work SA’s approach to supporting injured workers through surgery and recovery is...

Why the right type of conflict can be good for workplaces

contributorLauren Finestone

We should spend more time not trying to eliminate conflict at work but creating the ‘right kinds...

Are you aware of your biases? And how can you keep them in check?

contributorLauren Finestone

Are you aware of your biases? Or are they unconscious? And what does this mean for how you make...

Small business, big support — a coaching service for mental wellness and business success

contributorLauren Finestone

Beyond Blue’s New Access for Small Business Owners service (NASBO) is providing valuable mental...

Collaboration is key in RTW. But what makes it easy or hard to do?

contributorLauren Finestone

A study suggests some basic conditions are needed for achieving ‘easy’ collaboration between...

BeHealth — a digital answer to employee mental health challenges

contributorLauren Finestone

An innovative digital mental health program offers a blueprint for employers keen to support...

StressModex — the online training for clinicians revolutionising whiplash treatment

contributorLauren Finestone

At the Research to Real World for Compensable Injury Symposium in June 2024, Professor Sterling...

Webinar recording — Medical case conferences: A field guide to building trust

contributorRhea Mercado

Rhea Mercado of The Intelligent Rebellion delivers an engaging webinar that explores the...

The role of physiotherapy in certification of capacity for work — the Victorian experience

contributorLauren Finestone

We summarise a presentation by Paul Coburn at the Research to Real World for Compensable Injury...

Walking back low back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

An article in The Conversation covers a study published in The Lancet that found that a program...

The case for empathy — not just a buzzword in workers’ comp

contributorLauren Finestone

Empathy is not just a buzzword in workers' compensation. It’s a powerful tool that can transform...

Navigating whiplash online — does an e-resource help insurers and clinicians?

contributorLauren Finestone

This is a summary of a presentation by Professor Rebbeck and Dr Carvalho-e-Silva at the Research...

New guidelines for treating PTSD in emergency workers

contributorLauren Finestone

New guidelines provide more detailed guidance on how to assess, treat and manage the...

Webinar recording: Manufacturing Healthy Minds

contributorMegan Kelly

Hear about the Manufacturing Healthy Minds Program implemented at BOC Gases, a mental health...

Early intervention in workers’ comp — an overview

contributorLauren Finestone

A report gives a snapshot of current early intervention practices, experiences and beliefs in...

It’s time to bring a wide-angle lens to understanding pain

contributorLauren Finestone

Taking a wide-angle view of pain — one that looks beyond the physical to encompass the...

The power of tiny habits — how small, consistent actions can support injured or ill workers on their RTW journey

contributorLauren Finestone

By harnessing the science of tiny habits, injured or ill workers can make their RTW journey more...

A successful RTW pilot takes flight

contributorLauren Finestone

After a highly successful pilot program to help people get back to work, Comcare is offering the...

From health tourist to driver — recovery-oriented messages from Professor Peter O’Sullivan

contributorLauren Finestone

Professor Peter O’Sullivan discusses what he sees as the problems with our current models of...

Webinar recording: Transforming back pain management through a public health campaign — a comprehensive analysis

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This webinar explores the effectiveness of a public health intervention implemented in Victoria,...

The current state of psychological health and safety in the workplace

contributorLauren Finestone

A Safe Work Australia report paints the most up-to-date picture of workers’ experiences of...

Speak to recover — the art of messaging in injury care (Part 3)

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Dr Mary Wyatt explores the effects of communication on work-related injuries. In the final part...