
Sean Gleeson


Although Sean was a short term contributor to Return to Work Matters, his innate understanding of public policy and contemporary political developments saw him add a wealth of information on policy and legislation to the site. His in-depth jurisdictional comparison series on return to work support is a worthwhile and insightful read.

Completing his Honours thesis in Political Science at Monash University, Sean is a freelance writer who excels at in-depth features, reviews and interviews. His focus is on highlighting areas of poor policy, seeking to assist society’s most marginalised members.

Articles by ‘Sean Gleeson’
The importance of a positive culture

An internal culture that fosters dialogue and discussion produces longer term benefits

OK computer: the basics of office ergonomics

If you spend your working week perched in front of your computer, it's vital that you educate yourself on the correct workstation setup to prevent chronic and long-term injury.

WorkSafe Victoria, insurers censured by Ombudsman

An Ombudsman's report into WorkSafe Victoria's record keeping practices has highlighted serious deficiencies which could threaten return to work prospects for injured employees.