About this event

Return to Work Coordinators are a great resource to facilitating and supporting an injured worker's return to work, but they can't do it alone! Managers, supervisors, and other internal supports are key to achieving successful return to work outcomes.

This interactive workshop will provide participants with a greater understanding of the Return to Work scheme, what they can do to support their workers and Return to Work Coordinator, and how they can promote a positive culture around return to work.

Whilst developed with a leadership audience in mind, Return to Work Coordinators may also benefit from gaining insight about building supportive relationships between Manager and worker.

You will receive an email 24 hours prior to the event with instructions regarding how to access the online workshop, including the relevant 'join' links. 


Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/online-supporting-return-to-work-a-guide-for-managers-leaders-tickets-861300060667