Articles tagged under ‘Fatigue’
Articles 1 - 6 of 6
Lifestyle Factors and RTW: Fatigue
Fatigue is often the result of a lack of sleep, prolonged mental or physical work, or lengthy periods of stress or anxiety. Sound familiar?
Fatigue is the biggest threat to a person's safety
A new perspective on an established hazard
Asleep on the job
Missing a tram stop is the last thing fatigued workers should be worrying about. Try diabetes, heart disease, depression...
The sleepy shift-worker
The keys to managing sleepiness in the workplace.
Understanding sleepiness
Some common misconceptions about sleepiness.
From fighting cancer to fostering Cancer Voices
Cancer survivor John Stubbs talks about his journey back to good health and back to work, in a hugely important role.
Archived Articles 1 - 2 of 2
What happens when you mix fatigue and poor culture?
A workplace culture emergency. Just ask Ambulance Victoria.
Angry ambos run on empty
Victorian paramedics are fatigued and striking for the first time in 36 years. What's gone wrong in their workplace and how can it be fixed?
Research 1 - 1 of 1
Depression, anxiety, fatigue: the unproductive trinity
Productivity suffers when workers are depressed - but are some depressed workers more prone to productivity loss than others?