Articles tagged under ‘Trauma injuries’
Articles 1 - 13 of 13
StressModex — the online training for clinicians revolutionising whiplash treatment
At the Research to Real World for Compensable Injury Symposium in June 2024, Professor Sterling spoke about the work she and her team are doing around clinician training in integrated psychological and physical care, particularly for acute whiplash injury.
Webinar recording — Reducing incidences of violence and aggression against aged care workers
Tatjana Jokic talks us through the aims, implementation and outcomes of a successful pilot program to reduce the incidence of violence and aggression towards care workers.
Look and see - highlighting the impact of psychological hazards on police
‘Real stories from real cops’—how to recognise and reduce the impact of psychological hazards on police
Webinar recording: Rebuilding life after brain injury
Approaches to supporting people to rebuild meaningful life role participation.
Jokes, bullying and RTW
Lara felt bullied by her case manager and colleagues when she returned to work - even when they were "just joking". Read her story to see how these attitudes very nearly jeopardised her recovery.
What you can't see...
...CAN hurt you. Having an internal injury that nobody sees can make rehabilitation far more difficult. We hear how one worker overcame poor treatment and took control of her own recovery.
Saying no to compensation
Lara (not her real name) recovers from brain trauma but eventually quits her job and abandons her claim. Why?
Case Study: Mild traumatic brain injury
Just over two years ago I was in a hurry. I'd been to a store and was returning home to entertain some visitors. Clutching my purchases in one hand, I opened the car door.....
Different states of whiplash
Epidemiological studies show that whiplash rates vary enormously between jurisdictions. Why?
Managing disaster compensation
Richard Green, injury and claims manager with the CFA after Black Saturday, knows what to expect from disaster-exposed workers, and how to help them through.
Case study: Changing gears
Motorcycle mechanic Craig can't wait to get back to work after breaking his femur and heel. Is his old job still suitable?
Helping those who help
Vicarious trauma, supporting staff dealing with traumatic situations.
How to be a trauma-ready employer
We talk trauma, recovery in the workplace and PTSD with Professor Mark Creamer from the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health.
Archived Articles 1 - 1 of 1
Back on Course
Horse-racing may be the sport of kings, but the humble jockey often pays the cost. What are the RTW processes and options for injured jockeys?
Research 1 - 3 of 3
There’s an app for that — getting back to work after a brain injury
An app called ‘RTW after TBI’ could help people return to work and deal with the challenges they face in their daily lives after a traumatic brain injury.
Are we taking care of psychiatric nurses?
Psychiatric nurses who report the most mental health symptoms see more barriers to seeking help than those whose mental health is good. How can organisations better support recovery?
"But I didn't touch him"
What is non-physical violence, and how does it impact the workplace?