Articles tagged under ‘Comcare’
Articles 1 - 1 of 1
Workplace mental health resources by jurisdiction
Not knowing where to begin is a barrier that prevents some organisations from taking action on workplace mental health. We've assembled a list of high quality resources from workers' compensation authorities and government sources, organised by
Archived Articles 1 - 8 of 8
RTW Trends under Comcare 2005-06 to 2011-12
Return to work trends under Comcare, using data within the Return to Work Monitor
Comcare's RTW dilemma
Return to work rates under Comcare's jurisdiction are falling, and a sharp rise in mental health and stress claims are biting into the scheme's bottom line.
RTW Trends in Comcare 2005-06 to 2010-11
Comcare's traditionally high levels of return to work are in decline
RTW Trends - Comcare 2005-06 to 2009-10
Our review of Comcare's return to work results, using the national return to work monitor
Wrap up: Australia Post
The Senate report into Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill workers is finally here. What's the verdict: employee-friendly best practice or LTI-fuelled supervisor scam?
News drop: Australia Post
Who said what to the Senate inquiry into Australia Post's injury management practices? And what can be learnt from these grievances aired in public?
Inquiry goes postal
The Senate inquiry into Australia Post should provide important lessons in OHS, HR, RTW and LTIFR
Our take on the RTW performance of Comcare
With Australia's safest workplaces, is it good management or good luck that puts them ahead?
Research 1 - 1 of 1
Comcare has success with innovative early intervention program
Phone triage is an effective gateway to early intervention, securing cost and recovery benefits via a broad-spectrum approach, with support services accessible to workers regardless of work causation.