RTW Systems - How does your workplace stack-up?

RTW Matters have developed an evaluation quiz to assist you to understand what is working and what aspects need to be looked at further. Although the quiz questions are lighthearted, the underlying issues are very important.
The evaluation tool is available here.
The quiz explores workplace systems that impact return to work, such as:
- Case management
- Workplace culture
- The extent to which your workplace is engaging in a team approach
- The workplace’s approach to safety
- The injury reporting systems which you have in place
- Organisational leadership
- The policies and procedures you have in place
- Early intervention actions
- RTW coordinator competencies and health promotion in the workplace.
It also explores evaluation and monitoring of processes, and looks at the degree to which your organisation understands the cost to make a strong business case to management.
To receive a copy of your results via email, fill in the form at the bottom of the quiz.
It may be useful for this self-evaluation quiz to be retaken on an annual basis, to gain a better understanding of how your processes and the workplace culture have improved over time. The quiz can also be sent to people who aren’t members of RTW Matters.
The quiz results will highlight areas you are doing well, and areas for improvement. Follow the ‘further resources’ links to read more on each area.
The de-identified results of your survey are collated by us to understand industry patterns and provide relevant resources. We cannot identify any personalised quiz results.