Frequently asked questions
What do I get as a subscriber of Return to Work Matters?You’ll get 24 hour, 365
day access to an extensive, constantly expanding arrayof tools, resources and guides to help you improve return to
work outcomes. For more information see Subscriber Benefits, About Us or Who Should Join.
How do I change my subscriber information?
If you want to change your subscription
information, such as email address or password, you’ll need to log in first. Then click on My Account
along the top right of the home page, make your changes and click SUBMIT.
can’t remember my password?
You’ll find a Forgotten Password link in the
top right corner of the homepage or on the page you’ll be redirected to if you’ve entered incorrect log
in details. Click it, enter your registered email address and your password will be sent to you. If you no longer
have access to that email account, email with up to
date contact details.
I’m an existing subscriber having trouble logging into
the site.
If your email address is in our system and you are a basic or premium subscriber, you can
try resetting your password. If
you are prompted to renew upon logging in, either your subscription has expired, or you are receiving the newsletter
only subscription which allows you to access the free content available on the website through the newsletter. If you
wish to access any basic or premium subscriber content, you will need to upgrade by following the renewal prompts and
selecting a paid subscription option. If you are sure you have a paid subscription, please check you are using the
correct email address. Have you got a redirect from another email address to your inbox? Perhaps the original
account was set up with your organization’s generic or your predecessor’s email address. If you
are still unable to log in, please contact us and we'll assist you in
gaining access.
If you have shared your individual subscription log in details with anyone else you
may find you are able to log in but are being logged out automatically. There is a system in place that
doesn’t allow for simultaneous log-ins on the one account from many computers. If you are logged in, and
someone else logs in using your account, you will be logged out automatically. Attempting to log back in will
log out the other person and a circle of logging in and being signed out will occur. Individual subscriptions
are not meant to be shared, to avoid this happening again, you should change your password under My Account once
logged in. To upgrade to a group subscription so all subscribers of your team can utilize the website, please email .
I just paid for
my subscription but it says I’m an expired subscriber, how do I gain access?
Occasionally, when
paying by credit card, the connection with the bank can time out or an error may occur. In this case, 99% of the
time, the funds have not been taken off your credit card. In this case, your Return to Work Matters account will be
set up but inactive (expired). You can confirm that the transaction failed with or your bank. To attempt the transaction
again, please log in using your email address and password at the top right corner of the homepage and you’ll
be prompted to complete the transaction.
If you have paid by direct deposit or cheque, we usually
activate your account within 24 hours of receipt of funds. To ensure that your account is activated as soon as
possible, please email notification of payment to
What form of payment do you accept for joining or renewing?
accept the following credit cards through our secure eWay payment gateway:
Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Diners. We also accept Paypal, direct deposit or cheque. When selecting
direct deposit or cheque on the subscription page, you will be emailed an invoice with our address and banking
My employer needs an invoice prior to approving payment. How do I
organise this?
If you select direct deposit or cheque on the subscription page, you will be
emailed a tax invoice which you can submit for approval. The invoice will have our banking details and address
but if you wish to pay this invoice by credit card, we do accept card details over the telephone for Australian
Alternatively, contact and a
customized invoice can be sent to you.
How do I get a receipt for my
You should have received a tax invoice / receipt via email upon payment, however if
you did not receive it, or have misplaced it, please email with your request.
How do I
receive my bonus eBooks?
You should have received a welcome email with your account details and
links to the welcome gifts upon payment. We recommend saving the eBooks to your computer in case you misplace or
delete the email. If you did not receive them, or would like them resent, please email with your request.
How do I start / stop receiving my weekly newsletter?
can start / stop receiving the weekly newsletter anytime you like. Just log in, click on My Account in the top right
corner of the homepage and tick / untick “I am happy to receive newsletters from
The default setting ensures you begin receiving your newsletter as soon as you
join. If you have not been receiving your weekly newsletter and the box under My Account is ticked, please
check that you have entered the correct email address on your account. Due to the newsletter being a mass mail out,
some security settings can classify the email as junk mail. You should check your junk mail folder and mark us as a
safe sender if this has occurred. If it is not in your junk folder, you should request that your IT department add to the safe domain list on the server.
Can I join from
outside of Australia?
Of course you can. We have many international subscribers. The majority of
the content on Return to Work Matters is universal and can be applied no matter which country you are situated in.
Localised content includes; events, employment opportunities, news items as well as the occasional system based
article or opinion piece.
How do I renew my subscription before it expires?
Once logged in, you’ll
see a link to renew underneath your name in the top right
corner of the homepage. Click here and you’ll be prompted to choose your payment option.
How do I renew my subscription after it has expired?
Simply attempt to log in with
your email address and password and you will be prompted to renew your subscription.
Can I have permission to use or reprint an article from the website?
Yes, we
are happy for you to share our articles by adding it to your website or publication as long as we are notified and
attribution is given. Our terms of use are:
Reprint rights, terms and conditions of
If you have been supplied an article or link by a staff subscriber of, please
accept this statement as permission that the recipient may distribute or reprint this article in full, on the
condition that proper attribution is given.
Acceptable forms of attribution include:
How do I add or remove people from our group subscription?
You need to be the
group administrator to add, edit or remove group subscribers. Usually the group administrator is the person who
set up the subscription. Group administrators need to log in, click on My Account and then click on Manage Group
Subscribers. Here you’ll find the controls for adding, editing and deleting subscribers of the group.
Ensure the status is active and not pending before exiting. Group sizes are determined at the time of purchase
but can be increased with further payment. If you’d like to upgrade your group size, or find out who your
group administrator is, please email for
How do I upgrade from an individual subscription to a group
You will need to contact us to make the change. Even if your individual subscription has
expired, your address will remain in our database which does not accept duplicates. This is to prevent you
receiving multiple emails. It is quick and easy for us to remove your address from our system so you can
renter it in the group subscription form. Please email for assistance.
Is my
subscription transferable?
Yes. If your subscription was purchased for the person in your role and you
are leaving the organisation, you can edit the account details under “My Account” once logged in. You
can also use this function to change the email address to any new email addresses that you may
I’m trying to join but it says my email address already exists, what
do I do?
This means you have been a subscriber of Return to Work Matters at some point and are
probably expired. Perhaps this was a free trial, an opt-in at a conference or as part of a group subscription. You can
simply log in using your email address and the password you were registered with (click forgotten password to retrieve
it) and you will be prompted to renew as an individual subscriber. If you wish to be added to a group subscription please
email for assistance.
I’m getting the newsletter from you, does that mean I am a full subscriber of Return to Work
Not necessarily. Expired subscribers will still receive our newsletters but can only access
the free content available in the newsletter. If you don’t remember paying for a subscription in the past,
this could be because you signed up for the free newsletter or a free trial at some point. To become a full subscriber
and access the many resources on the site, just log in using your email address and the password you were registered
with (click forgotten password to
retrieve it) and you will be prompted to renew as an individual subscriber. If you wish to be added to a group
subscription please email for assistance.
I can’t find anything that helps me with a particular problem, can
you help?
That’s what we are here for! Just fire off an email to and we’ll help you locate any existing
content. If it doesn’t exist, we’ll add it to our editorial list and research it for
How do I find what I am looking for on Return to Work
There are several ways to find stuff on Return to Work Matters. You can use the search
function, click on topics or browse
the sections. Visit our Subscriber
Benefits page for an in depth look at how to get the most out of our searchable database.