Articles tagged under ‘Aging workforce’
Articles 1 - 10 of 10
Fanol Isai: RTW in Aged Care
Fanol Isai from Catholic Homes won the “Return to Work Coordinator Excellence” WorkSafe Victoria award in 2014.
Aged Care Homes: a cross-generational solution
An aged care facility in Deventer in the Netherlands has found a creative solution to the ‘intergenerational problem.’
Driving change
How one car manufacturer steered their ageing workforce towards higher productivity
Why bother with workplace wellness?
1. Return on investment; 2. Health and productivity for ageing workers...
The age of manual handling
Qantas at Brisbane Airport safely retains older manual handling workers by asking whether there is a match between required tasks and individual capacity...
New vision for old
The ageing workforce may necessitate more accommodations for vision loss. What are the high and low tech options?
What helps people with long-term disease remain at work?
Making work modifications for workers with a long-term disease can help them avoid sickness absence and work disability, and improve their productivity.
Worried about the ageing workforce?
We corral five notorious porky pies about work and ageing and pit them against the fast-draw facts.
On the clock and over the hill? Ageing workers in physical industries
We can't turn back the clock, but we can offer advice on how to minimise the impact of age on "work ability" in physically intensive industries.
Occupational health - what's age got to do with it?
For men and women entrance to mid-life will affect them - at home and at work - in different ways. Occupational medicine can help.
Archived Articles 1 - 2 of 2
The age debate
Abbott and Gillard are right: population size does matter. But are they forgetting about the challenges to participation and productivity posed by Australia's ageing workforce?
Prime RTW
If an 80 year old butcher with a twice-torn rotator cuff sounds like a tough RTW gig, meet Keith Schwarze from Queensland, whose love for his job made him determined to work again.
Research 1 - 6 of 6
Trying too hard at work
The severity of overexertion injuries in construction rises with age, while the frequency of different types of musculoskeletal disorders shift. All age groups could benefit from preventative measures at work, promoting retention and RTW.
Older workers face worse consequences for hard, physical work
The negative health consequences of high physical work demands depend on age, with workers aged 60 plus facing twice the risk of long term work absence compared to younger workers performing similar tasks.
The more the spine changes, the more it stays the same?
Neck X-rays show that changes to the cervical spine are common, and become more common and more pronounced with age. Like wrinkles or grey hair, however, normal spinal aging hasn't been tied to pain or disability.
What types of work cause osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a top-ten cause of disability worldwide. With an ageing workforce, employers are likely to see more claims relating to this degenerative joint disease. A new systematic review highlights the workplace risks, and the gaps in our knowledge
Accommodating arthritis for men and women
Workers with arthritis are offered accommodations at work but around 40% still don’t get what they need, according to research from Canada. Does gender help predict who’s likely to miss out?
Age + overtime = Lower productivity??? - the evidence
Research shows that older workers CAN work overtime and remain productive