Articles tagged under ‘Drugs - Alcohol’
Articles 1 - 4 of 4
Working on addiction
How to recognise and support those who suffer from addiction at work.
Lifestyle Factors and RTW: Drugs
According to NDSHS data, workers are more likely to have used illicit drugs in the past 12 months (17%) compared to people not in the paid workforce (12%).
Lifestyle Factors and RTW: Alcohol
Alcohol and smoking are the most common legal drugs in use in Australia today.
The writing is in the book
When a heroin and alcohol addiction lead you to the darkest places you've ever been, what can bring you back to the light?
Archived Articles 1 - 1 of 1
Drinking and RTW: A sticky wicket.
Andrew Symonds' drinking presented Cricket Australia with a big RTW challenge. Did poor management lead to his downfall?
Research 1 - 2 of 2
Work injury and deaths of despair
Research from the US confirms a connection between work absences of more than a week and deaths from drug overdose and suicide.
But I don't have a problem! Young workers and risky drinking
Young male workers need to be educated about the work and health consequences of risky drinking.