Articles tagged under ‘Exercise’
Articles 1 - 11 of 11
Walking back low back pain
An article in The Conversation covers a study published in The Lancet that found that a program combining walking and education can reduce the recurrence of low back pain.
When inactivity hurts and movement heals
An important message for healthcare providers to give injured workers is that inactivity is more risky than moving.
Managing musculoskeletal conditions at work (Part 1) — breaking the boom and bust cycle
A musculoskeletal physiotherapist talks about what pain is, ‘boom and bust behaviour’, activity pacing, making a flare-up plan and other useful self-management tips.
From the inside out — behaviour change tips and techniques to manage osteoarthritis
Behaviour change techniques to overcome the challenges of trying to stick to a management plan.
Webinar recording: Translating Sport Science Research into Practical Injury Management Programs
How an injured nurse, an elite athlete and wearable technology can help you reduce musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace.
Pilates pain or gain?
The word “pilates” conjures images of healthy people in leotards with their legs above their heads. However, pilates was initially developed to assist with rehabilitation from injury, and it's still an effective rehab tool today...
Webinar recording: Effective physical rehab
The injured worker needs and deserves it.
The terrible two: UNDER-use and OVER-care
Ever wondered why some musculoskeletal injuries don't resolve as quickly as they should?
The proven pay-off of workplace health programs
The results of a Monash University study assessing the results of participation in the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC) are in: employee wellbeing improves when employers invest.
Promoting active workplaces for better work health
For employers looking to increase productivity and reduce sick days, a workplace wellness program could be the answer.
Rest and activity avoidance is often not the best medicine.
A young, fit worker develops back pain, is advised to rest and cut back activities. Three months later his back pain has not improved. Is rest really the best medicine?
Archived Articles 1 - 1 of 1
Health intervention gets outta town!
At 10 000 steps a day, healthy creativity goes a LONG way...
Research 1 - 7 of 7
Walking back from low back pain — what motivates people to start and stick to exercise
A study into what motivates people to engage in programs for preventing low back pain offers practical recommendations to get people to engage with and stick to exercise programs.
Don’t take back pain lying down — how rest can make ‘flares’ worse
A study confirms that even small changes in your daily habits, like how long you sleep and how active you are, can make a difference to whether you have a pain flare-up or not.
Is exercise really a good way to self-manage depression?
For people who are looking for a natural, drug-free way to manage their depression, a recent study confirms that exercise can be a fantastic option. It's especially important for those who may not want to take medication or go to therapy.
GLA:D to have an evidence-informed approach for painful knees and hips
An evidence-based physiotherapy program that began in Denmark and was adopted in Australia is seeing impressive results in people with (or who have a high risk of developing) knee and hip osteoarthritis.
Moving away from LBP
People with chronic, non specific low back pain may benefit from treatment that identifies and alters personal patterns of movement and posture that inadvertently contribute to pain.
Metabolic syndrome: risks and opportunities
Metabolic syndrome compromises health and work, but a personalised exercise intervention helps VW workers leave these problems in the dust...
An all round approach to Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia can be managed through a combination of physical and psychological rehabilitation.