Articles tagged under ‘Organisations’
Articles 1 - 6 of 6
Help researchers understand how the support needs of injured workers are determined
A Griffith University study seeks injured workers and personnel involved in determination of the support needs of injured workers to participate in a research project.
Employer Education Advisor
Interested to support RTW Coordinators in South Australia?
Return to work research down under - Video interview with Niki Ellis
Professor Niki Ellis, CEO, talks about the return to work agenda of The Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research
We need an Industry Association, how about it?
Let's get better organised - our response to a reader's request.
Ten tips to loosen your tongue and ease your mind when that big presentation looms.
The human face of WorkCover: from truckie to carer
Senior writer with WorkCover SA shares a great case study that shows RTW is always worth the hard work to get there.
Archived Articles 1 - 12 of 12
Helping people with crash-related injures return to work?
Share your experience
Research work opportunity!
Monash University Department of Physiotherapy seeks part time research assistant
Call for survey participants
Contribute to a project aimed at identifying the factors that improve the health outcomes for individuals who have sustained a compensable injury.
Career advancement - learning about the PIEF
The Personal Injury Outcome Foundation (PIEF) enables claims and RTW Coordinator training. Nathan Clarke, Executive Manager, talks about PIEFs approach and offers.
View from atop: the South Australian Summit Conference on workers comp and personal injury
We speak with Rob Aurbach from Deakin Prime about the summit's aims and outcomes.
Reaching for the Summit: Think tank attempts to streamline WorkCover system
Key industry representatives come together in South Australia to improve outcomes for injured workers and their employers
Rehab industry - back to the future and happy about it
Interview with Annette Williams, President ARPA.
60 Summits Project hits Oz
60 Summits promotes a new model for RTW with 16 specific recommendations; in the lead-up to an Australian visit Jennifer Christian, the project's leader, gives insight into how it works.
How Victoria Police put a stop to poor performance
One strategy improved Vic Police's poor workers' comp results - getting to know it could help your workplace too.
U.S. senior researcher position: health services, disability
Liberty Mutual Research Instutute for Safety
10th Annual National Workers' Compensation Summit: debriefing
While others got excited about the Oscars, RTW Matters got wound up about the host of interesting speakers at this years Workers' Compensation Summit.
Nurses Return to Work in Hospitals Project
Project Officer of the Nurses Return to Work in Hospitals Project, Julia Suban, talks about the particular barriers to return to work in nursing, and just how she hopes they can be overcome.