Better than ever: Enjoy the revamped RTWMatters website

Dear Reader,
Did you know that RTWMatters has now been in operation for eight years?
Having made it through the seven-year itch with flying colours we've just relaunched the website, keeping the best of what we've brought you so far and finding new ways to make life easier for return to work professionals.
So far we've written over a thousand articles about return to work, and will now focus on keeping you up to date with the latest research and evidence based return to work practices. We're also developing eLearning options for return to work coordinators, supervisors and line managers.
Our revamped site is designed to make it easier to navigate our rich archive, which includes interviews with return to work experts, how-to guides, case studies and much more. If you're looking for an old favourite and can't find it, please email us and we'll point you in the right direction.
In the meantime, we'll continue to stay in touch via our newsletter, which will now arrive fortnightly.
We hope that you will enjoy the new version of RTWMatters, and that it makes it easier for you to thrive in your job. As a return to work professional, you've likely seen the suffering that occurs when people are unable to work for extended periods of time, and the long-term consequences that may result. We believe that RTWMatters has a role to play in achieving better outcomes for people working in the field, and people attempting to return to work.
Kind regards,
Dr Mary Wyatt
Editor, RTWMatters
Published 28 August, 2016 | Updated 27 September, 2016