
The personal and the professional — A conversation with Jacqueline Agius, ACT Work Health and Safety Commissioner (Part 1)

Lauren Finestone

Jaqueline Agius, the ACT Work Health and Safety Commissioner, speaks to RTWM about the personal incident that informs her work and the messages we teach young people about violence if we don’t address psychosocial risks.

For Jaqueline Agius, the ACT Work Health and Safety Commissioner, preventing psychosocial risks is deeply personal.  These days her role as the regulator is to oversee regulatory compliance with the legislation or the legal framework. But the road she travelled to get here — from teacher to lawyer then an industrial officer with the Australian Education Union — had a painful beginning. RTWM spoke to the Commissioner about what ...

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Published 27 September, 2023 | Updated 24 October, 2023