Every once in a while, a monster medical issue rears its ugly head, or perhaps more aptly, unfurls its return-to-work-hampering tentacles. In the eighties, it was RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury. In the noughties, has stress become the new occupational medicine monster? During the eighties, Australia saw a huge increase in arm pain problems, linked to repetitive movements. As we now know, arm pain is a relatively common problem in the...

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ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.

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If this is your first visit, and you are a registered South Australian RTW Coordinator, please subscribe here to access this and other resources.

ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.