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Articles about 'Early intervention'

Early intervention is the golden rule when it comes to avoiding long term disability and costly cases. Learn about why it is so important, and how to implement effective early injury reporting and support systems in your workplace.

This summary page lists all of the articles available under the topic you selected. Click the topics in the left hand column to display other topics of interest.

How-to guide: Calling psychological injury claimants

contributorGabrielle Lis

Delaying contact with workers who’ve claimed for psychological injury can delay return to work. This article outlines why, how and when to make *that* call.

Webinar recording: Effective physical rehab

contributorDamien Amsuss

The injured worker needs and deserves it.

Can you ‘teach’ workers to be more emotionally resilient?

contributorYvonne Brunetto

You may know someone like this at work: optimistic and resilient, they appear to bounce through challenges drawing on an internal strength. Is this approach transferable?

Webinar recording: Physiotherapists and return to work

contributorRoss Iles & Paul Coburn

This panel discussion explores physiotherapy strategic approaches to improve return to work and the worker's health outcomes.

Psychological Cases: developing a psychologically healthy workplace

contributorA. Richey

The workplace is a social environment. For many, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of their job. For others, depending on the workplace, the negative impacts on their psychology can be enormous.

Speaking Up 3: Staff speaking up

contributorA. Richey

As an employee, it's often seen as easier to keep quiet, but the reality is that you need to speak up. When and how should it be done, for best results?

Speaking Up 2: Employers enabling open communication

contributorA. Richey

Many employees tend to be wary of communicating openly in the workplace, so what can employers do to help them to open up?

Prehabilitation: improving the results of surgery

contributorA. Richey

Prehabilitation is an approach to aid people recover from surgery and increase the likelihood of a good outcome.

Lifestyle Factors and RTW: Fitness

contributorA. Richey

The Australian Bureau of Statistics found that 71% of the Australian working population aren't getting enough exercise.

Psychological Cases: prevention is better than the cure

contributorA. Richey

The workplace is a social environment. For many, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of their job. For others, depending on the workplace, the negative impacts on their psychology can be enormous.

Orebro: the questionnaire you need to know about

contributorA. Richey

The Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (or OMPQ) used to be known as the Acute Back Pain Screening Questionnaire.

Workplace Incivility: where are your manners?

contributorA. Richey

Incivility is being rude, discourteous and showing a lack of regard for others. The behaviour harms the target, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It may also occur in the cyberspace, such as not replying to email or sending terse emails.

Banishing Burnout: Strategies for a Constructive Engagement with Work

contributorA. Richey

Dr Michael Leiter, a professor at the Centre for Organisational Research and Development at Acadia University, offers strategies for enabling employees to constructively engage at work and avoid burnout.

Exploring Injury Reporting Systems

contributorA. Richey

Early reporting can have a huge impact on RTW outcomes, so the system used should be well-suited to the purpose.