Articles tagged under ‘Systems’
Articles 1 - 31 of 31
Webinar recording — Optimising case management: RTWSA's evolving strategies for effective return to work
Effective case management is a key element for successful recovery and RTW. In this webinar, Michael Francis, CEO of ReturnToWorkSA, discusses what lies behind the excellent results produced by ReturnToWorkSA's case management system.
Barriers to VBH
Value-based healthcare promises to improve outcomes and reduce waste in workers’ compensation. What are some potential speed humps along the way?
Webinar recording: The cross sector project -Mapping Australian Systems of Income Support for People with Health-Related Work Incapacity
Michael Di Donato reports on the project undertaken by the Insurance Work and Health Group, Monash University.
Common-sense claims processes are on target
In some jurisdictions, claim lodgement processes have become more user friendly and proactive about early intervention. What are the benefits?
WorkSafe Victoria failing the most vulnerable: insurers profiting
We summarise the Victorian Ombudsman's investigation into WorkSafe's handling of complex claims, which paints a picture of opportunistic insurers and systemic failings. Is WorkSafe ready to listen?
Follow the leader
Regulatory bodies set the standard for other organisations in their industry. In relation to workplace bullying, however, that standard may best be described as “do as I say, not as I do.â€
Who's going to save worker's compensation?
Improving return to work rates means re-thinking leadership in the return to work system
A challenge to policy makers
How much do we know about how different workers' comp systems influence health outcomes? And what could we do with this information?
When doctor-dollars trump sense
Does Australia have anything to learn from an American expose of the influence drug companies exert on medical research?
RTW Coordinators and treaters have little respect for Workers Compensation authorities. Why?
Off with their heads!
Harmonisation housekeeping
Our advice for legislators? Don't rearrange the lounge suite while there is mildew growing up the walls.
Better off without comp?
It's time to question whether some workers should be spared the compensation process.
System satisfaction?
Satisfaction with the claims process affects the long term financial, social and health outcomes of compensation recipients. How do we increase it?
I flew over the cuckoo's nest
Looking at what does and doesn't work in other systems might seem futile - but comparisons can make for powerful lessons. Here are some I flew back with from the US.
Does workers' compensation affect suicide rates?
If you're in vocational rehab you should be concerned about lack of data on work injury-suicide link, says grief support provider Creative Ministries Network.
Compensation: More painful than surgery?
There is a correlation between compensation and poorer surgical outcomes. What can be done?
Riding the see-saw of workers' comp costs
During recession, claim numbers go down but claim duration goes up. What happens to costs?
Superdoc (11) - Claims staff turnover? No surprises when you think about it
Job turnover in claims staff is high; if staff felt they could make a positive difference, they'd be more likely to hang around.
SuperDoc (1) - On not treating doctors as the Great Decider
Better than a blog - it's a monologue! Not the Great Decider, who is this guy?
Do occ docs do it better?
If patients who see an occupational doctor get better results, why isn't it common practice?
Doctor, doctor give 'em the news
We consider why doctors fail to communicate well about return to work, and offer strategies for helping them tell their patients what they need to hear.
Highway to hell?
What's it like to enter the workers' comp system as an ill or injured worker?
Q&A: The first five minutes
What happens in the first five minutes after injury affects health outcomes and costs. And your time starts...
Small business, big problems?
Smaller businesses don't necessarily have fewer problems with return to work - simply different ones.
KPI vs care - which is winning?
A process-driven acrimonious workers' compensation system is a dark place - let's shed some light to turn things around.
Returning to work in the Netherlands: a different approach
Dutch occupational physician Frederieke Schaafsma describes a new Netherlands system of return to work that has seen the number of employees on long-term sick leave dramatically reduced.
The Return to Work Coordinators' Code of Ethics
After return to work coordinators expressed to us a lack of formal guidance in their role as coordinators, and - more specifically - the lack of a Code of Ethics - we set about developing one.
The negative potential of performance bonuses
In the second part of RTW Matters' interview with Occupational Therapist Kate Roylance, she discusses the counter-productive nature of many performance rewards.
Is work good for you? Professor Kim Burton explains the UK's changing answer
In this interview with UK expert we learn that modern vocational rehabilitation is not about delivering an expensive service.
Tuna farmers turning the tide in return to work management.
An investment in occupational health, safety and welfare has paid dividends for a South Australian tuna farm.
Right to rehab: a right for all
Terminally ill patients are LIVING with their illness, and so deserve the same rehab attention as any other patient.
Archived Articles 1 - 39 of 39
Consider the alternative: Part 9 - South Australia
In our final article on the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Workers' Compensation disputes we take a look at South Australia
Back to the future - A summary of the RTW results from the 2011 RTW Monitor
RTW levels are returning to the rates of four to five years ago, but some of the previous standouts are lagging.
The trouble with making it harder - Evidence from the 2011 RTW Monitor
The 2010-11 Return to Work Monitor shows a drop in return to work in previously high performing jurisdictions. And Key Information For Employers.
Welfare reform and Gillard's workplace vision
The Federal Government's plans to tighten access to the disability support pension gives an insight into Government's focus on increasing workforce participation.
View from atop: the South Australian Summit Conference on workers comp and personal injury
We speak with Rob Aurbach from Deakin Prime about the summit's aims and outcomes.
Reaching for the Summit: Think tank attempts to streamline WorkCover system
Key industry representatives come together in South Australia to improve outcomes for injured workers and their employers
RTW trends: NSW, 2005-06 to 2009-10
Our review of NSW return to work results, using the national Return to Work Monitor
RTW Trends: Victoria, 2005-06 to 2009-10
Our review of Victorian RTW, drawing on information from the annual RTW Monitor.
Is compensation a social determinant of health?
Socio-economic status, and the ways in which we live and work, all influence health. What about compensation?
The Scarlet Letter
An anonymous tip-off alleging Machiavellian plotting has unions and industry whispering about dirty deeds done anything but dirt cheap at WorkCover Queensland.
Fog of secrecy or blowing off steam?
Unions call the first workers' compensation harmonisation conference a secretive "sham". Is it justified?
The jurisdictions that win or lose in return to work
An all in comparison finds return to work performance in decline.
News drop: Australia Post
Who said what to the Senate inquiry into Australia Post's injury management practices? And what can be learnt from these grievances aired in public?
Hand and glove?
Leadership change in two Australian jurisdictions gets us pondering the relationship between government and WorkCover bureaucracy...
South Australia heads north
The positive spikes in SA's once below-par workers' comp and RTW rates is cause for celebration - and observation. Let's learn from their turnaround.
Love, Imagination and Workers' Comp
Listening to workers' perspectives on the system can be painful, but might help us move beyond blame and suspicion.
Stamping out LTIs to post a profit
RTW Matters weighs in on the people issues of RTW @ Australia Post.
A taste of what's to come...
Get warmed up for the workers' comp debate with the ACTU's take on OHS harmonisation.
Looking for inspiration?
Comcare's new CEO Paul O'Connor has a vision: "inclusion" and "integration" for workers' comp and return to work.
RTW Monitor Summary - Part Two
Return to work outcomes in most jurisdictions have been declining since before the Global Financial Crisis began. Why?
RTW Monitor Summary - Part One
The annual RTW Monitor is out - RTW Matters summarises it's findings.
A fraudulent slip?
A Vic Ombudsman's report into "dodgy" doctors exploiting WorkSafe loopholes has saved employers $$. Has it also jeopardised RTW relationships?
Debriefing after Safe Work Australia's first meeting
A slow beginning or hitting the ground running? Read this and make up your own mind.
On claims management and the Victorian WorkCover Authority
Not good enough: comment on a report by the Victorian Auditor General's Office that states loud and clear.
Safe Work Australia gets a Chair but it's no time for sitting around
Is Tom Phillips the man to lead harmonisation in Australia?
Australian workers' compensation in these difficult times.
Could auditing the authorities help fix the system?
Economic Decline and Workplace Health Initiatives
Health and the workplace - an international issue
The good, the bad, the ugly: Round 1
We compare Australian workers' comp / RTW websites. First up: NSW, WA, and SA.
Return to Work Matters Strategic Summer Reading Package
Three volumes of RTWMatters Greatest Hits to get you pointed in the right direction
It's time to reconceptualise injury management
Rethinking things: Professor Niki Ellis says we need to consider why we're failing on a few fronts in workers' comp and RTW.
Shaw sheds light on factors promoting good RTW
Unsure about best practices in RTW? Shaw isn't. The US expert lends his voice of authority to a discussion of fast, effective RTW.
Not good enough: SA's WorkCover losses unacceptable
Things in South Australia have gone from bad to worse.
What's the point of national workers comp harmony if you can't harmonise with your employee?
ACTU's national workers' compensation officer Jarrod Moran spoke at February's National Workers' Compensation Summit on 'Unions, workers' compensation and the way forward'.
Australian workers' comp overview: Can money buy RTW?
We use the latest Comparative Performance Monitoring Report to take a look at how money is spent within Australia's workers' compensation system: and suggest that penny pinching is sometimes good for your health!
Building Employee Engagement and the Impact on Health: David Brown
In order to be truly engaged and contributing fully at work, there needs to be a work-life balance
Rehabilitation between the yellow flags
Prior to the onset of an injury a worker may often display a number of yellow flags, or warning signs, indicative of the injury occurring.
AMWU Return to Work project needs your help.
Resources available to workers whose 2nd language is English are limited. Here's an opportunity to assist in improving this situation.
Towards a better WorkCover scheme in Victoria
WorkCover improvements would benefit patients, practitioners, employers and the community.
The disability support pension process: unnecessarily stressful?
Qualified assessors the key to determining disability pension eligibility.
Research 1 - 5 of 5
Questioning the impact of compensation stress on health
What aspects of compensation systems cause stress? How common is it? Does compensation-related stress negatively impact health status? Does predisposition to stress matter?
Putting the "social" back in biopsychosocial
What does the international evidence say about the impact of compensation systems, health care systems and significant others on workability for people with lower back pain?
Seeking compensation for major trauma after accidental injury - more stress than its worth??
A clinical study has identified that the development and persistence of post-traumatic stress disorder following major trauma is not related to injury severity, but may be associated with factors such as blaming others for the accident and processes.
I'll need a sick leave certificate too, doc...
What prevents doctors from applying best clinical practice when issuing certificates for sick leave?
Compensating for legislation
Case Study NSW: How do changes to a compensation system effect whiplash recovery outcomes?