Return To Work Monitor Summaries
In-depth state and jurisdictional trends:
(Free Access for a limited time)
New South Wales Return to Work Trends 2005-06 to 2008-09
Victoria Return To Work Trends 2005-06 to 2008-09
South Australia Return To Work Trends 2005-06 to 2008-09
Comcare Return To Work Trends 2005-06 to 2008-09
New Zealand Return To Work Trends 2005-06 to 2008-09
Queensland Return To Work Trends
2005-06 to 2008-09
Subscribers - Get your printable PDF version of the reports
Last year 28% of injured workers surveyed throughout Australia and New Zealand
were not in paid employment six months after lodging a workers’ compensation claim.
Durable RTW rates have been falling consistently for the past 3 years with last year showing the lowest rates since
the survey began in 1997/98.
These statistics are drawn from the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities’ annual RTW Monitor 2008/09 released on the 31st August 2009, however with the exception of Tasmania none of the states publish their year-by-year comparison of RTW performance.
In an attempt to bridge the gap, RTWMatters is analysing data from the last four RTW Monitor publications and
publishing an in-depth series of reports on RTW results, insurer performance, rehabilitation involvement and
workplace factors by each state / jurisdiction, highlighting how performance changes over time.
RTW Monitor Summary - Part
One: Summarises the 2009 RTW Monitor Report’s national trends and rates
RTW Monitor Summary - Part
Two: Looks at RTW outcomes in each jurisdiction over the past 4 reports
Monitor Summary - Part Three: Why are RTW rates low?
RTW Monitor Summary - Part
Four: Durable RTW - was life meant to be this hard?
As well as being freely available to subscribers, this package of articles will be listed with our products for sale as downloadable PDFs.
If you’d like to be kept up to date on availability, join our ‘article of the month’ mailing list here.
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