Robert Hughes
'It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.' - John Steinbeck
Enjoys seeing people have the opportunity to contribute to others (and fishing and Gran Turismo, and..).
His particular interest is workplace culture.
Articles by ‘Robert Hughes’
And why is this knowledge useful to workplaces?
One should not only consider 'principles' in establishing a quality RTW process. 'Attitudes' are also of vital importance.
There was a Door to which I found no Key: There was a Veil through which I could not see: Some little Talk awhile of Me and Thee There seemed and then no more of Thee and Me. - Omar Khayyam
Wellness programs are being considered as a central strategy in US healthcare policy.
Is freedom a responsibility of others?
UK research evidence shows that risk of death for workless people is 20% higher.
Workers' Comp has a high staff turnaround, so a working relationship still great after 11 years is worth attention.
How one woman changed Australian culture and why RTW can profit from her example.
What role do compensation authorities play in helping people back to work?
When we look at the reader statistics for Return To Work Matters it is obvious that Workplace Culture rates highly as a topic.
Self effacing, warm, always positive - Mary Wyatt is a consummate professional dedicated to return to work.
Researchers find that contagious yawning indicates empathy.