One Be aware that there may be a real and/or perceived divide between “the management team” and the “frontline blue collar workers”. Walk into this situation with your eyes open, and you’re much less likely to be tripped up by potential obstacles. Two Don’t let the status quo stand. If there is an “us and them” mentality, you’re immediately on the back foot, having to defend yourse...

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ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.

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If this is your first visit, and you are a registered South Australian RTW Coordinator, please subscribe here to access this and other resources.

ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.