The death of an employee can be deeply stressful, painful and destabilizing for the workforce, particularly for those who worked closely with the deceased. It helps to have processes in place so everyone knows what they need to do if the worst does occur. If the worst has already happened, this article can form the start of a to-do list, to help you stay on track during this difficult time. IF THE EMPLOYEE DIES AT WORK The following actions sh...

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ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.

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If this is your first visit, and you are a registered South Australian RTW Coordinator, please subscribe here to access this and other resources.

ReturnToWorkSA has partnered with Return to Work Matters to provide South Australian Return to Work Coordinators with a free online resource. This website gives coordinators access to practical injury management tools and instructive articles that summarize the findings of evidence based research.