Articles tagged under ‘South Australia’
Articles 1 - 5 of 5
Webinar recording — Optimising case management: RTWSA's evolving strategies for effective return to work
Effective case management is a key element for successful recovery and RTW. In this webinar, Michael Francis, CEO of ReturnToWorkSA, discusses what lies behind the excellent results produced by ReturnToWorkSA's case management system.
Webinar recording: Q&A with ReturnToWorkSA – Lighting the way for RTW Coordinators
In this Q&A session, Mary Wyatt interviews ReturnToWorkSA Employer Education Advisor, Houda Peters on the many resources available for RTW Coordinators.
Workplace mental health resources by jurisdiction
Not knowing where to begin is a barrier that prevents some organisations from taking action on workplace mental health. We've assembled a list of high quality resources from workers' compensation authorities and government sources, organised by
Broken people from broken systems
For many injured workers, the greatest challenge is not the extent of their injuries but the depth of their despair.
Family, colleagues great support after bad car crash
After being badly injured in a car crash, family and colleagues rallied around to help Peter back to work.
Archived Articles 1 - 19 of 19
RTW Trends in South Australia 2005-06 to 2011-12
Return to work trends, influences on return to work, insurer customer service and demographic trends.
Consider the alternative: Part 9 - South Australia
In our final article on the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Workers' Compensation disputes we take a look at South Australia
WorkCover SA on the road to nowhere?
RTW rates in South Australia are trending downwards despite recent reforms.
RTW Trends in South Australia 2005-06 to 2010-11
Compiled by the RTW Matters team using data from the Australian and New Zealand RTW Monitor.
Return to work support profile - South Australia
As part of a continuing series on the resources available to Return to Work Coordinators in 2011, we take a look at WorkCover SA's Return to Work Inspectorate and Support Unit.
Rehab roundup: South Australia
We chat to George Hallwood, president of the South Australian branch of the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association.
Big trouble in little Adelaide
A decision by the Supreme Court has thrown the South Australia's workers' compensation regime into disarray once again, and could pave the way for interstate legal challenges to the powers of Medical Panels.
View from atop: the South Australian Summit Conference on workers comp and personal injury
We speak with Rob Aurbach from Deakin Prime about the summit's aims and outcomes.
The Walsh Review and the future of WorkCoverSA
A review commissioned by the WorkCoverSA last year outlines radical changes aimed at reforming underperforming vocational rehabilitation sector and improving return to work rates in the Festival State.
Review calls for WorkCoverSA overhaul
A new review commissioned by WorkCoverSA shows that more changes are needed to bring the state's return to work outcomes to a national standard.
Reaching for the Summit: Think tank attempts to streamline WorkCover system
Key industry representatives come together in South Australia to improve outcomes for injured workers and their employers
RTW Trends in South Australia 2005-06 to 2009-10
Our review of South Australian return to work results, using the National Return to Work Monitor
SA on the up and up?
The RTW figures coming out of SA look encouraging. Are they telling us the whole story?
Our daily bread
SA WorkCover comes under fire with reports that some injured workers are relying on food parcels to make ends meet.
Hand and glove?
Leadership change in two Australian jurisdictions gets us pondering the relationship between government and WorkCover bureaucracy...
South Australia heads north
The positive spikes in SA's once below-par workers' comp and RTW rates is cause for celebration - and observation. Let's learn from their turnaround.
The human face of WorkCover SA: burns victim returns to work
A former truck driver returns to work after suffering horrific acid burns to 20% of his body. He's one of the 34,000 workers injured on the job in South Australia each year.
In or out: outsourcing in South Australia
Outsourcing of case management of workers compensation in South Australia has failed to live up to its hype
Putting the human touch on case management
Case management in South Australia should address the complexity of human nature, according to a recent paper by Robin Shaw.