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Articles about 'Communication'

Effective communication, whether speaking or listening, is an important part of successful return to work. Whether communicating with the worker, treater, claims manager, senior management or coworkers, our helpful articles will help build the skills required to improve outcomes.

This summary page lists all of the articles available under the topic you selected. Click the topics in the left hand column to display other topics of interest.

Who is going to tell them, you or me?

contributorLouise Marshall

Better ways of delivering bad news

You say it best when you say nothing at all: Effective listening

contributorScott Sanderson

Have you ever been told you are a poor listener? Maybe you have, but you weren't paying attention?!

Active listening eTool

contributorScott Sanderson and Gabrielle Lis

Don't just hear the words, listen to them. These five steps to becoming an active listener will help you build a better workplace.

Communicating up

contributorGabrielle Lis

Effective upwards communication is good for your career and can help you establish a best practice injury management system. How is it done?

White collar, blue collar

contributorGabrielle Lis

Are you a RTW professional daunted by the prospect of working with a predominantly blue collar workforce? You're not alone. Here are ten tried and tested tips for building rapport.

Frustrated by "victims"?

contributorGabrielle Lis and Dr Mary Wyatt

People who believe they've been treated unfairly have lower functional ability than those who think that they've had a fair go. How can you get them past the victim mentality?

Asking assertively

contributorGabrielle Lis

Know what you want from people at work, but not how to get it? Learn how to talk the talk, and frame your requests assertively.

Styles of communication

contributorGabrielle Lis

Passive. Aggressive. Assertive. How does your professional communication style affect your working life?

The patient's mouth

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Getting the information you need to facilitate RTW shouldn't be as painful as pulling teeth - you just need to ask the right questions...

Adventures in leadership

contributorGabrielle Lis and Dr Mary Wyatt

Read our guide to fearless RTW Coordination leadership, then take up our Choose Your Own Adventure Leadership Challenge!

Let's get loud

contributorGabrielle Lis

Taking ages to recover and return to regular duties after a workers' compensation claim? Make some noise!


contributorGabrielle Lis

Shh! The low-down on confidentiality, return to work and workers' comp.

Doctor, doctor give them the news

contributorTom Barton

Why don't doctors communicate well when returning patients to work? Let's consider ways of helping them to.

Suspicious Minds

contributorGabrielle Lis

Tips for supervisors who have their doubts about a worker's injury or compensation claim.