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An older worker develops frozen shoulder after a fracture injury. After several months of...
A cleaner works through increasing pain levels for more than two years before reporting her...
From the Institute for Health and Productivity Management.
Why is it then that cancer survivors have less access to help with rehabilitation post-treatment?
Cancer patients need thorough reviews post treatment so they can return to suitable working...
Interview with Cancer Voices Australia executive director and cancer survivor John Stubbs.
Cancer survivor John Stubbs talks about his journey back to good health and back to work, in a...
'Chris' was a carpet layer who worked in a small suburban firm.
Self effacing, warm, always positive - Mary Wyatt is a consummate professional dedicated to...
Mr X had been a 'journeyman' worker for many years before he developed a destructive and...
This article explores some of the risks involved with sleepiness in the workplace.
The importance of recognition and education in RTW after a mild traumatic brain injury and...
Researchers find that contagious yawning indicates empathy.
What is a brain injury and how should it be managed?
RTW Matters interviewed 57-year-old 'Sally', who went straight back to work after sustaining a...
An admin officer developed acute back pain after several weeks of 'niggling' soreness....
A machine operator who already has minimal work restrictions experiences another injury, this...
A project manager develops an overuse injury and is still on part-time restricted duties after...
A fake sickie could land you in more trouble than it's worth
A long standing employee sustained a significant knee injury at work. Effective coordination and...
A long-term stable worker sustains a significant hip injury. While he has returned to work on...
Workers' compensation and return to work plans have a longer history than you might think.
Opening up lines of communication is essential in the return to work process.
The evidence for and against some of the most common treatments for shoulder and elbow pain.
Studies show that workers are less likely to recover from illness or injury if they enter the...
Sometimes employees need return to work assistance even while they're still physically in the...
Denmark has in place a social system that keeps unemployment low, wages high, and job prospects...
Studies have now proven that positive psychology has a big impact. In the workplace it can keep...
Paul Coburn talks about changing doctors' beliefs and practices, poor medical advice and the...