Case Management Handbook


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This summary page lists all of the articles available. Click the topics in the left hand column to display the articles in your area of interest.

Discussing surgery

contributorDr Mary Wyatt and Tom Barton

If an employee you are assisting is considering surgery, you can make a difference to their recovery and return to work by discussing the decision-making process with them.

Surgery support

contributorDr Mary Wyatt and Tom Barton

Make a big difference by assisting employees who've decided on surgery. Information can make a huge different in their recovery and return to work.

Who is going to tell them, you or me?

contributorLouise Marshall

Better ways of delivering bad news

Supervisors apathetic about RTW? 6 simple apathy busters

contributorGabrielle Lis

Apathy is anathema to return to work, which requires energy, clear-thinking and a liberal dose of TLC. So what makes supervisors apathetic about it?

You say it best when you say nothing at all: Effective listening

contributorScott Sanderson

Have you ever been told you are a poor listener? Maybe you have, but you weren't paying attention?!

Active listening eTool

contributorScott Sanderson and Gabrielle Lis

Don't just hear the words, listen to them. These five steps to becoming an active listener will help you build a better workplace.

They're the voice, try and understand it

contributorScott Sanderson

Improving your workplace with employee surveys.

Attitudes can be the biggest disabilities

contributorMary Harris

When it comes to returning people back to work, it's not just important to discuss the RTW process or procedures.

Communicating up

contributorGabrielle Lis

Effective upwards communication is good for your career and can help you establish a best practice injury management system. How is it done?

Job Rotation - 3

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

We explore the key elements of introducing and implementing job rotation.

Job Rotation - 2

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Overcome the common barriers to job rotation and ensure employee buy-in.

Calculating absenteeism costs

contributorGabrielle Lis

Calculating the costs of absenteeism will help you make the case for better injury management systems and investment in health and wellbeing.

Estimating turnover costs

contributorGabrielle Lis

Making the business case for best practice injury management? There are simple methods to assist you in calculating the rate and cost of staff turnover in your organisation.

Job Rotation - 1

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Want to boost productivity, improve job satisfaction and reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries?