Background to this publication
RTW Matters publication
Return to work results
RTW Rates
RTW rate
Durable RTW
Non-durable RTW
Length of time back at work
Length of durable RTW
Length of non-durable RTW
Claim information
Average claim cost
Days compensation paid
Readiness to RTW
Readiness to RTW
Reasons for not feeling ready to return to work
What duties did people go back to
Suitable duties at RTW
Initial RTW duties
Initial RTW hours
Duties at time of interview
Employer at time of interview
Continuity of employer and duties
Income sources
Current compensation status
Main source of income at the time of interview
Total sources of income at time of interview (including partial RTW)
Return to work influences
RTW plan
Development of RTW plan
Involvement in RTW plan
Helpfulness of RTW plan
Given help to follow RTW plan
Who helped and who made it harder to RTW
Who helped
Rehab provider
Main supervisor
Who made it harder
Employer made RTW harder
Main supervisor made RTW harder
Insurer made RTW harder
Reasons for not working
Workplace culture
Work satisfaction
Work importance
Valued at work
Management help RTW
Clear policies
OH&S spending
Making a claim
Information needed for putting in a claim
Complexity of putting in a claim
Rating of customer service by insurer/Scheme
Communication with insurer
Rating of insurer type services
Attitude to claim
Response to enquiries
Provision of accurate info
Understanding situation
Advice about claim
Advice about rights
Average customer service rating
Rating of overall customer service
Rehabilitation services
Rehabilitation participation
Rehabilitation costs
Previous claim experience
Previous claim
Previous lost time claims
Enterprise size
© 2012