This page lists all research updates available on Return to Work Matters.
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What competencies do supervisors think they need to manage the impact of RTW on teams and coworkers?
Supervising RTW can be challenging, both emotionally and professionally. What supports are...
The right kind of vocational rehabilitation can stave off the transition to chronic disability....
Return to work processes are designed to help injured workers recover on the job but co-workers...
Five things that make or break co-worker support for modified duties during the early days of...
Australian Return to Work Coordinators complain about the quality and relevance of the training...
What personality traits and experiences make people more likely to cope with adversity such as...
A look at the challenges faced by supervisors obliged to oversee modified duties in a workplace...
Researchers are worried that medical mumbo jumbo hurts recovery. What happens when medical...
What aspects of RTW planning are the most important, according to supervisors and rehabilitation...
Motivational interviewing promotes better RTW results, especially for people who lose or leave...
What kinds of communication skills do supervisors need to support injured workers?
In order to support RTW, supervisors must understand injury management systems and processes....
Choice and control is good for worker health, according to a review of the research on workplace...
Rehabilitation professionals see the personal qualities of supervisors (e.g. honesty, fairness...
Working more than 39 hours per week negatively impacts mental health; as do very short working...
Honesty, respect for privacy, job knowledge and tough love all make the list of supervisor...
Supervisors discuss whether support is enough to keep workers with MSDs at work, or whether a...
Why do some people focus on the injustice of their injury while others move on with equanimity?...
Supervisors who show concern and respect for workers, who have the autonomy to make decisions...
Workplace interventions, CBT and stretching can all reduce sick leave amongst workers with...
Evidence-based! Cost-effective! Proactive! Popular! You will love this new workplace...
The more time that elapses before low back injury is reported and treated, and the longer...
Negative ideas about pain can derail recovery and return to work, causing immense frustration...
Integration, obligation, domination, avoidance and compromise are all valid ways to manage...
Australian organisations are missing out on many opportunities to promote and support good...
Workplace interventions are effective for workers with musculoskeletal disorders, but the...
Workers compensation systems rely on collaboration between stakeholders to achieve good...
The evidence-based low-down on a problem many Australians will face: returning to work after...
According to Canadian researchers the responsibilities of GPs in relation to workers...
A: CBT, ACT and mindfulness therapies can help people remain active and cope with chronic pain,...
GPs, injured workers, employers and insurers weigh in on the difficulties of managing mental...
Eight years of data from the Victorian workers compensation system reveals that GP certification...
GPs issue more unfit for work certificates every year, according to research from Victoria,...
Patient advocacy, workplace conflict, social circumstances and fee structures all influence...
RTW training for physiotherapists changes physical and mental health outcomes but not RTW...
Physiotherapists and claims managers weigh in on what helps injured workers get over the RTW...
A return to work (RTW) coordinator in the Australian context helps an injured worker with...
What makes dispute resolution outcomes seem fair to workers?
Part two looks at the processes employees go through in weighing up the risks and benefits of...