This page lists all research updates available on Return to Work Matters.
Research is chosen for review based on quality of the evidence and its practical value in return to work.
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What makes dispute resolution outcomes seem fair to workers?
Part two looks at the processes employees go through in weighing up the risks and benefits of...
Discussing mental health at work is a complex issue. The authors of this research, Kate Toth...
Bonds with co-workers and love of a particular job makes return to work appealing even after...
Due to political and economic change, demands on public servants are escalating in a back...
The researchers explore the RTW of police suffering from PTSD in the Netherlands, undergoing BEP...
The main question addressed by the review was: What are the interactions between injured...
Understanding the factors that influence return to work assists in effective rehabilitation.
Researchers in the Netherlands claim that a positive employer / employee relationship has more...
Researchers from Canada sought to summarise the research on interventions for depression in the...
Researchers looking for factors associated with early RTW uncover the usual suspects, as well as...
Researchers suggest shifting from a straightforward evaluation of capacity and duties to more...
A small but significant proportion of people with back pain go on to develop long-term problems.
Rsearchers investigated why claims for mental and behavioural disorders have overtaken those for...
An ecological study using web based screening
Musculoskeletal problems for hairdressers may be reduced if the risks are understood.
Managers may be unfamiliar with evidence-based prevention and ergonomic practices
French researchers find a simple way to measure stress - using a visual scale.
The costs of a major health problem in developed nations
A review of self medication in physicians and medical students
Spanish researchers sought to understand work ability amongst prison workers.
Back problems are commonly attributed to work and many in the community believe that heavy...
Multi-site pain is a common phenomenon among working-age people and it strongly increases work...
Professional musicians have high rates of musculoskeletal pain, but few studies have analysed...
Generic prognostic factors may assist primary care practitioners to identify those patients with...
...And other influences on supervisor readiness to engage in workplace-based vocational...
When musculoskeletal problems flare for a desk-bound office worker, they may need a stress check...
A single question - "How do you feel you are recovering from your injury?” - may be as useful in...
Exercise and surgery have long been the staple treatments for refractory knee pain - but is...
Might a therapeutic approach that focuses on increasing self-knowledge help shift long-term work...
We need better approaches to teaching medical students about work, health and occupational medicine.
Workers with cancer may have delayed referral to occupational health services
Nurse managers who match their leadership style to the issue at hand see fewer short time...
This study sought to understand whether patients with bipolar disorder admitted to hospital had...
Employer attitudes influence RTW after a cancer diagnosis.
A University of Wollongong survey shows employees with access to flexible working hours are in...
A major study from the Netherlands shows productivity can be improved by helping workers improve...
A Dutch study has produced a simple, efficient means for assessing the probable duration of low...
A UK study has concluded that regular yoga can improve workplace wellbeing and reduce employee...
New research shows patient anxiety and distress about a lower back complaint significantly...