Case Management Handbook


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This summary page lists all of the articles available. Click the topics in the left hand column to display the articles in your area of interest.

The jewels of case management

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

These elements of quality case management achieved impressive results - results you can achieve.

Why we are pro case management

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Evidence backs up common sense. Here are some of the facts about case management.

Recorded Webinar: Communicating with Doctors - GPs and Specialists

contributorDr Phillip Meyerkort

This webinar explores how RTW Coordinators and Claims Managers can communicate effectively with treating practitioners to establish a cooperative relationship.

Webinar recording - Getting the most out of Return to Work Matters

contributorRTWMatters team

An introduction to using Return to Work Matters resources by Dr Mary Wyatt (Return To Work Matters, in collaboration with ReturnToWorkSA).

Recorded Webinar: Improving RTW Culture in the Workplace

contributorLori Boys

This webinar explores the initiatives that ISS Facility Services' National Injury Assist Team have undertaken to help improve the RTW culture throughout their organisation.

Recorded webinar: The medical assessment of work capacity

contributorDr Andrea James

This webinar explores how doctors determine a person's work capacity.

My dickie neck: A personal tale

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Dr Mary Wyatt shares her experience as both clinician AND neck ache sufferer. What has she discovered from being both a patient and a doctor?

Recorded Webinar: Managing Psychological Claims in the Workplace

contributorKaye Frankcom

Psychological or mental health claims are a fast growing liability for most compensation schemes. Psychologist Kaye Frankcom addresses the appropriate management of these claims in the workplace.

Recorded Webinar: Designing an effective on-site injury treatment program

contributorDr James Murray

In this webinar, James Murray, Director Soft Tissue centre, will provide tips and real life examples of how to develop an on-site treatment program.

Recorded Webinar: A Case Management Discussion

contributorFrank Imbesi

Frank Imbesi & Dr Mary Wyatt discuss a case put forward by RTWMatters member Meagan Moravcova.

Recorded Webinar: Physiotherapy - how to get the best

contributorPaul Coburn

Occupational physiotherapy expert Paul Coburn explains the principles of good physiotherapy and how you can positively influence practitioners.

Video: It's time to say good-bye to brain drain

contributorRobert Aurbach

Rob Aurbach talks about the neuroplasticity, and the impact of negative messages on pain and return to work.

Doctor, patient, insurer: The impossible triangle

contributorJoe Dunn

An interview with psychiatrist Dr Joe Dunn on improving relationships with doctors, and some of the other complexities of the patient, doctor, insurer interaction.

Give a little bit of 'tough' and you'll probably get some back


We all know what happens to that which goes around (it comes around), so why do we sometimes forget that to get respect in the workplace, we have to give it too?