This page lists all research updates available on Return to Work Matters.
Research is chosen for review based on quality of the evidence and its practical value in return to work.
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Workers with long term claims face many challenges when their claims end. Difficulty finding...
Most injured workers return to work quickly. But why don’t others? And what can we do to reduce...
A Victorian study into the factors that influence longer term workers’ compensation claims found...
A study finds that people with long duration workers’ compensation claims were more likely than...
What do we know about physiotherapists’ understanding of, attitudes to and experiences of...
Physios and patients who had consultations by videoconference during the COVID-19 pandemic liked...
Leaders’ behaviours can influence employees — and also prevent workplace injuries — through...
A study into the relationship between perceptions of injustice and chronic pain gives us reason...
A new study found that conflicts in the workplace — particularly with supervisors — are an...
An evidence-based physiotherapy program that began in Denmark and was adopted in Australia is...
A study from the Institute for Work and Health provides 5 strategies you can use to effectively...
Misunderstandings and mistaken beliefs about the diagnosis and management of degenerative...
Payments for healthcare represent the second largest item of expenditure for Australian workers’...
How different are the RTW experiences of workers with work-related psychological injuries and...
Depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders. Work can be the problem or the solution if you...
RTW expectations predict recovery from musculoskeletal injury. Workplace supports, trust and the...
Work that offers few learning opportunities, low co-worker and supervisor support, high...
Interventions for work-related MSDs should not be based merely on addressing the symptoms, but...
Work Wellness Institute, Canada
Covering risk assessment, implementation, RTW, EAPs and post-implementation quality improvement,...
There is a strong link between work quality and mental health, and some workers are slugged by...
A sense of being able to give is linked to less stress and depression at work.
We share results from the 2021 Return to Work Matters Case Management Survey, completed by more...
New injured worker cohort study at IWH focuses on experiences of workers with long-duration...
For people with chronic back pain, psychological treatment that tackles unhelpful beliefs about...
Supervisors need to recognise that workers who feel socially devalued at work suffer health and...
A single pain management skills session is as effective at reducing pain catastrophising for...
Some prevention strategies go the distance, reducing long term sickness absence even five years...
Are inflating and deflating “smart seats” the cure for back and neck pain amongst sedentary...
Shifting to remote work during lockdown doesn’t necessarily derail health. However, workers may...
Depression and anxiety delay sustained RTW for workers with work-related musculoskeletal...
Workplace health and wellbeing programs almost always sound great in theory, but often come...
Physiotherapists, rehabilitation professionals and other health practitioners treating people...
The severity of overexertion injuries in construction rises with age, while the frequency of...
For sedentary office workers, gamification steps up activity but nudges (e.g. signs) in the...
For people with chronic whiplash-related disorders, RTW is a difficult process, with alternating...
Sedentary work and screen time leisure sound warning bells for the future health of the growing...
Migraines are a significant cause of presenteeism, according to research from Japan, with...
Worker's pre-surgery expectations about the timing of RTW influence the duration of sickness...
The negative health consequences of high physical work demands depend on age, with workers aged...
Occupational Therapists (OTs) say people returning to work after cancer are likely to face...