Lauren Finestone
Articles by ‘Lauren Finestone’
A study shows how common incorrect beliefs about spinal scans are and reinforces the importance of education when managing patients with this condition.
When workers feel their employer truly cares about protecting their mental health everyone is richer for it.
A study reveals the staggering impact of workplace injuries and illnesses in Australia.
A study shows that personal contact is the best way for people to get the help they need.
Successful RTW isn't just about what happens back at work. It’s a complex dance that involves personal issues and social and organisational support.
A new decision aid tool is showing promise in helping vocational rehabilitation professionals provide better and more tailored care to get workers back on the job.
Interventions for mental health issues must address the individual, organisational and systemic factors that support people to seek help.
Police officers are at high risk for work injuries and illnesses. How can organisations provide better support to help injured officers get back to work safely?
Motivational interviewing is used in case management in many Australian personal injury compensation systems. But a study suggests it may not be such an effective intervention in workers’...
A study finds that many physios are unfamiliar with guidelines on treating low back pain and don't apply them in practice.
A study shows that cognitive-behavioural therapy-based interventions can reduce sick leave and get people back to work.
Supervisors’ personal experiences of burnout, their attitudes towards mental health and the quality of their relationship with employees affect how well they identify and deal with the early signs...
Occupational rehab professionals can help workers adopt preventive behaviours when returning to work by educating, engaging, coaching and collaborating with them.
Healthcare practitioners can worsen their patients’ condition if they communicate negative biomedical beliefs about low back pain.
A study highlights the importance of addressing ‘moral injury’, organisational practices and psychosocial safety to promote the well-being of first responders and prevent psychological...
Healthcare professionals have more influence than they may realise on the attitudes and beliefs of people grappling with low back pain. They have a powerful opportunity to use this power for good.
A sense of injustice is common among injured workers and can prolong their suffering. What causes it? And how can we prevent it?
A study suggests it’s time for a rethink on what causes distress in first responders and how to prevent and treat it.
A study provides valuable insights into long-term outcomes for tailored interventions in managing persistent pain.
A study suggests that competition overrides communication and collaboration in private physio practice and compromises patient care.
The fears that the people around injured workers — their employers, family members and GPs — have about pain and (re)injury can influence RTW. Everyone involved in the RTW process must get the...
Supervisors, senior managers and workplace culture play an important role in how well workers do when they return to work after being on sick leave.
What does the evidence say about using scripted messages to communicate with people?
A study suggests that workplace mental health screening programs on their own may not be very effective in improving employee mental health.
Universities need to support student well-being, but this requires them to support the well-being of their teachers too. Some simple but effective changes would reduce the psychosocial risks for...
A study identifies some new psychosocial risks in hospitality jobs and proposes a way to assess them.
What things make it harder or easier for physiotherapists to use a biopsychosocial approach when treating patients with persistent musculoskeletal pain?
Three recent studies show how important it is for workplaces to focus on identifying and controlling psychosocial as well as physical hazards if they want to reduce musculoskeletal disorders.
An app called ‘RTW after TBI’ could help people return to work and deal with the challenges they face in their daily lives after a traumatic brain injury.
A study suggests that when employers and workers agree on what workplace risks are and how to deal with them — especially psychosocial risks — it can lead to a safer and healthier work...
A study of an AI drive app shows that digital psychosocial interventions can improve recovery for people with work-related injuries.
A study found that visits by inspectors can improve how companies manage psychosocial risks
Evidence shows that a caring environment can have a powerful impact on workers’ mental health outcomes.
Bullying increases the risk of workers getting sick and taking time off from work, both in the short term and the long term.
Using anonymous data in workplace risk assessments, taking the results seriously and having a systematic approach to managing them can help organisations deal with psychosocial risks.
A recent study reveals that when it comes to workplace hazards, work, health and safety inspectors treat psychosocial hazards differently from physical and musculoskeletal hazards.
A recent study reveals that when it comes to workplace hazards, work, health and safety inspectors treat psychosocial hazards differently from physical and musculoskeletal hazards.
A study busts the myth that pain medications are necessary to ‘get on top of the pain’.
Research shows that our emotional and mental state can influence how well we heal and bounce back from surgery.
A study shows how using medical narratives — or sharing stories about medical experiences — can influence patients’ outcomes from low back pain.
A study suggests that taking a break, getting some exercise and spending time in nature — either in reality or virtually — can help to control the psychosocial risks associated with job...
A study reveals that workers of colour are less likely to return to work after illness or injury.
A study suggests that some types of reassurance by doctors might be more helpful than others when dealing with pain conditions with no clear cause.
Swearing feels good — not just psychologically, it also helps us tolerate pain.
What makes it so hard to effectively assess and implement measures to address psychosocial hazards in the workplace? A study offers insights into the challenges and barriers and how to overcome them.
Early mental health services can accelerate recovery, improve function and improve return-to-work outcomes for workers with low back pain.
A study into what motivates people to engage in programs for preventing low back pain offers practical recommendations to get people to engage with and stick to exercise programs.
A study confirms the strong link between work disability and suicide or self-harm.
Being kinder to oneself may be a key to dealing with ongoing pain and achieving greater well-being
Concerns about the lack of quality of care for musculoskeletal pain conditions led researchers to see if they could identify one set of recommendations for the best practice care of a range of...
There is increasing recognition of the importance of psychological factors in how we recover from musculoskeletal injuries. One of those factors is believing we’ll get better.
A recent study into a new approach called Cognitive Functional Therapy offers hope for those with disabling and persistent low back pain.
By using the 3 ‘ingredients’ of self-determination theory, healthcare professionals can help people cope with persistent pain and adjust to life with greater confidence and resilience.
A worksite self-management program that used a group psycho-education format helped workers with persistent or chronic health conditions stay engaged and on the job.
A study confirms that even small changes in your daily habits, like how long you sleep and how active you are, can make a difference to whether you have a pain flare-up or not.
Long-term pain conditions are common for many working adults and can have a big impact on job performance and quality of life. But there are ways employers and workers can work together to manage...
Self-management is now seen as a collaboration between the person living with the pain and their health professionals. But it’s useful to understand what it is about that patient–professional...
A study shows what people who have rotator cuff-related shoulder pain want when it comes to education about their condition.
A study into how people with ongoing musculoskeletal pain experience their workplaces and how they look for information sheds light on what they need to help them stay at work.
We’re becoming more and more aware that traditional treatments for long-term back pain — like opioid medications and surgery — can be costly, ineffective or even risky. A new, alternative...
For people who are looking for a natural, drug-free way to manage their depression, a recent study confirms that exercise can be a fantastic option. It's especially important for those who may not...
Physios should ‘tinker with’ or ‘throw away the script’ if they want to respond in a more person-centred way to patients with low back pain.
Physios should ‘tinker with’ or ‘throw away the script’ if they want to respond in a more person-centred way to patients with low back pain.
Not everyone with persistent pain conditions can access specialised pain services. How effective are websites as a tool to help them manage their pain?
Person-centred care is an important part of care for people with musculoskeletal pain conditions. But evidence that some healthcare professionals struggle to integrate person-centred care...
Self-management can be a game-changer in helping patients take control of their pain and start living their lives to the fullest. But it’s often easier said than done. A study shows what patients...
A study explores the barriers to self-management of chronic pain conditions in primary healthcare settings.
It is now accepted that self-management is critical for people with chronic conditions. But what works best? And for which conditions? A comprehensive review of the evidence gives healthcare...
What’s the economic impact of work-related illness or injury? Safe Work Australia engaged Deloitte Access Economics find out. A ground-breaking economic modelling approach shows that our economy...
It’s the people who have first-hand experience of a service or system that can give the most valuable feedback about what works and what doesn’t. Participants in the Victorian injured worker...
What impact does friction between workers’ comp stakeholder have on the effective rehabilitation and timely return-to-work of injured workers? And what’s the reason for this friction?
Lumbar spinal fusion surgery is an increasing, but controversial procedure for chronic low back pain. Two studies suggest we need to rethink its value for injured workers.
Workers with long term claims face many challenges when their claims end. Difficulty finding work and being ineligible for Centrelink benefits and other government support programs are just some...
Most injured workers return to work quickly. But why don’t others? And what can we do to reduce those factors that can delay recovery and extend claims. Healthcare providers and insurance case...
A Victorian study into the factors that influence longer term workers’ compensation claims found that some ‘events’ in workers’ compensation systems can lead to lengthy claims. One of those key...
A study finds that people with long duration workers’ compensation claims were more likely than others to need hospital treatment in the year before, and the year after, their payments stopped.
What do we know about physiotherapists’ understanding of, attitudes to and experiences of delivering low back pain exercise programs?
Physios and patients who had consultations by videoconference during the COVID-19 pandemic liked that way of providing care.
Leaders’ behaviours can influence employees — and also prevent workplace injuries — through ‘emotional contagion’. Here’s how.
A study into the relationship between perceptions of injustice and chronic pain gives us reason to make sure that the processes, communication and relationships in our work injury schemes are fair.
A new study found that conflicts in the workplace — particularly with supervisors — are an important risk factor for sick leave among workers. The good news is, we can do something about it. ...
An evidence-based physiotherapy program that began in Denmark and was adopted in Australia is seeing impressive results in people with (or who have a high risk of developing) knee and hip...
A study from the Institute for Work and Health provides 5 strategies you can use to effectively communicate with workers about RTW.
Misunderstandings and mistaken beliefs about the diagnosis and management of degenerative conditions in the cervical spine are common and can influence clinical outcomes. This makes effective...
Payments for healthcare represent the second largest item of expenditure for Australian workers’ compensation schemes after income replacement. And it’s growing. But what are schemes paying for?...
How different are the RTW experiences of workers with work-related psychological injuries and those with musculoskeletal injuries? And what can make these experiences more equal?
Depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders. Work can be the problem or the solution if you are dealing with these, or other, common mental health issues. What are the factors that make the...