
This page lists all practical and feature articles available on RTWMatters. From top ten tips, how to guides and case studies, through to webinar recordings and video interviews with industry experts.

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Walking back low back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

An article in The Conversation covers a study that found that a program combining walking and...

Webinar recording: Transforming back pain management through a public health campaign — a comprehensive analysis

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This webinar explores the effectiveness of a public health intervention implemented in Victoria,...

A new guide to help primary care practitioners treat people with low back pain

contributorLauren Finestone

There's a new guide for primary care practitioners who work with people with low back pain.

New clinical care standard for low back pain — a story of hope

contributorLauren Finestone

The new Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard aims to make sure patients with this common...

Telerehabilitation for spine pain in the lockdown era — not the same, but better

contributorLauren Finestone

Telerehabilitation on pain and disability in patients with spine pain achieved more improvement...

‘Self-management’ of chronic musculoskeletal pain: what patients say helps them do it (or not)

contributorLauren Finestone

Patients are encouraged to ‘self-manage’ their chronic pain conditions. But there are external...

10 common unhelpful beliefs about low back pain, and 10 facts to set us straight

contributorLauren Finestone

10 common and unhelpful myths about low back pain, and 10 facts that bust them.

Top ten tips for better living with less pain

contributorRTWMatters team

Practical advice for people who experience persistent pain, based on the work of musculoskeletal...

Webinar recording: Prevalence and patterns of health service use in compensated Australian workers with low back pain

contributorMichael Di Donato

In this webinar, Michael Di Donato reports on his recent research into imaging and opioid use in...

How to really reassure

contributorGabrielle Lis

Patient / treater rapport, emotional validation and education backed by experiences that...

Bad reassurance: "You’re fine! Don’t worry!"

contributorGabrielle Lis

Doctors and allied health professionals aiming to avoid over-treatment can actually make things...

Webinar recording: The Elephant in the room - too much medicine

contributorProfessor Peter O'Sullivan

Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Professor Peter O'Sullivan from Curtin University,...

Introducing value-based healthcare

contributorGabrielle Lis

Efficient, evidence-based and directed by what matters to patients: what’s not to like about...

Introducing cognitive functional therapy

contributorRTWMatters team

By creating a therapeutic "pain story," proponents of cognitive functional therapy claim the...

Webinar recording: Understanding musculoskeletal problems - Part 2: Neck and Back Pain

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In part two of our three-part series, Dr Wyatt explains common neck and back problems and gives...

Spinal fusion: All pain, no gain?

contributorGabrielle Lis

Australians are turning to spinal fusions to control lower back pain despite a lack of evidence....

Case Study: How Things Can Go Wrong in Compensation Cases

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study looks at the additional injuries which can occur as a result of the workplace...

Case Study: Exploring other job options

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study explores the importance of providing options for the injured worker's return to...

Case Study: Back to the Future

contributorA. Richey

Ms P is a 59 year old woman who reported back problems as a result of her long term employment...

How to get the best out of your physiotherapist

contributorA. Richey

Physiotherapy treatment is common for a range of standard conditions, particularly including...

Webinar Recording: Spinal pain and work - Professor Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde

contributorProfessor Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde

Back pain and neck pain are common. What do we know about their natural history, work...

Case study: everyone has a role to play

contributorStefanie Garber

Employers and supervisors are key components of the return to work process. Without their...

Case study: Flexible approaches can kickstart cases

contributorStefanie Garber

Despite the best efforts of the return to work manager, some cases seem to make little progress....

Webinar Recording: Optimising outcomes for workers with back pain through enhanced self-management and collaboration

contributorDr Jon Ford

Listen to musculoskeletal physiotherapist, Dr. Jon Ford, talk about how practitioners can help...

The lowdown on lifting

contributorDr Jos Verbeek and Dr Mary Wyatt

Dr Jos Verbeek talks about a review of research on training employees to lift to prevent back...

For Doctors - Back and neck pain: does age (and work) make a difference?

contributorCharlotte Leboeuf-Yde

Professor Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde outlines key findings based on the study of 40,000 Danes.

Video: Understanding discs

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Disc bulge, disc degeneration, disc protrusion. Terms that worry patients, most of the time...

Moving backwards on backs

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

The messages of a $6 million public health campaign about back pain are being lost thanks to...

Back to the past

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Back pain flare-ups are a normal part of recovery.

When doctor-dollars trump sense

contributorGabrielle Lis

Does Australia have anything to learn from an American expose of the influence drug companies...

Sophie's choices (a case study)

contributorPam Garton, Abilita Services

A rehab provider who addresses the human impact of injury restarts stalled RTW for a...

Things have gotta change: back pain and why our thinking is all wrong

contributorAnna Kelsey-Sugg

When it comes to back pain, we don't have the right vocabulary - and we need it. The right words...

Superdoc (9) - Back pain and investigations


An investigation won't tell us what we usually need to know about back pain - so why do we often...

Superdoc (8) - Back pain and the 'fear avoidance model'


Our Superhero Superdoc is back on back pain and the importance of not being afraid of it.

Superdoc - Fighting fear and back pain


Fear and back pain make a destructive combination - our local superhero talks about why.

Case Study: Cool, calm and in control

contributorStefanie Garber

A worker's confidence and approach to self-management can make the difference between a...