Free Knowledge Base Articles

RTWMatters is Australia’s leading independent resource for return to work professionals.

Dr Mary Wyatt is committed to sharing information that can make a meaningful difference to RTW experiences and outcomes. Based on feedback that shows some people have difficulty convincing their employers to provide access, we have decided to make about 1 of every 7 articles free - and create a small best practice knowledge base that is available to everyone.

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Listed below are our Free Articles - Click the ‘Free Research Articles’ button to visit our Free Research Summaries and Updates.

Flagging the obstacle course of bad outcomes

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

From the hot tubs of New Zealand to the bread and butter of a RTW Coordinator's work.

Are worker's comp boards serving return to work?

contributorTom Barton

And can you pick the Australian jurisdiction in which board members have NO hands-on experience...

Harmonisation housekeeping

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Our advice for legislators? Don't rearrange the lounge suite while there is mildew growing up...

The Principles Underlying RTW - Draft 2

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Is it 'compensation' or 'rehabilitation'?

Not working is bad for the heart and the head. There's proof.

contributorRobert Hughes

UK research evidence shows that risk of death for workless people is 20% higher.

Are you happy with your working relationships?

contributorRobert Hughes

Workers' Comp has a high staff turnaround, so a working relationship still great after 11 years...

Can Australia afford to lose $57.5 billion a year through work-related illness and injury?

contributorRobert Hughes

What role do compensation authorities play in helping people back to work?

Patient styles, distress, and what they get

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

How patients communicate has an important influence on the treatment they receive.

What creates positive workplace culture?

contributorRobert Hughes

When we look at the reader statistics for Return To Work Matters it is obvious that Workplace...

SuperDoc (3) - On the importance of listening - and saying no.


Super Doc gives a super-spiel about the importance of listening - and saying no

What's it all about?

contributorRobert Hughes

The what and why of Return To Work Matters

Case Study: Cool, calm and in control

contributorStefanie Garber

A worker's confidence and approach to self-management can make the difference between a...

Calculating absenteeism costs

contributorGabrielle Lis

Calculating the costs of absenteeism will help you make the case for better injury management...

Managing disaster compensation

contributorGabrielle Lis

Richard Green, injury and claims manager with the CFA after Black Saturday, knows what to expect...

White collar, blue collar

contributorGabrielle Lis

Are you a RTW professional daunted by the prospect of working with a predominantly blue collar...

Surviving Recovery

contributorElizabeth Quinn

Elizabeth draws on personal experience in this Users Guide To Maintaining a Positive Attitude on...

Webinar: Back Pain and Return to Work

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Back pain accounts for a large proportion of injury claims, and a higher proportion of long term...

Teaching WorkCover claimants to sell themselves

contributorElizabeth Quinn

In pain, low in confidence, and down at heart: it can be a hard slog to get back into the...

Asking assertively

contributorGabrielle Lis

Know what you want from people at work, but not how to get it? Learn how to talk the talk, and...

Managers VS workers

contributorGabrielle Lis

Hang on! Isn't RTW supposed to be all about the love? We count down ten ways to improve tetchy...

Sunny side up

contributorRTWMatters team

What is optimism? How is it good for health? When is it wise, in professional life, to get your...

Breathing easy

contributorTom Barton

Asthma is the leading chronic disease in Australia. This briefing paper covers the basics, as...

Let's get loud

contributorGabrielle Lis

Taking ages to recover and return to regular duties after a workers' compensation claim? Make...


contributorGabrielle Lis

Shh! The low-down on confidentiality, return to work and workers' comp.

8 tips for a great relationship - working with the claims manager

contributorTom Barton

We respond to a Return to Work Coordinator's query about resolving problems between employers...

Dealing with the victim mentality

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

In response to a reader's questions, our resident Occ Phys explains how to encourage a proactive...

Common causes of workplace pain

contributorAnna Kelsey-Sugg

Understanding musculoskeletal pain will increase productivity and health.

More than medical

contributorGabrielle Lis

Some people have a harder time managing their injury and returning to work than others. Are...

Strategic implementation Q&A

contributorGabrielle Lis

How to take the long view and get where you want to go, faster.

Quick Guide: Self efficacy

contributorGabrielle Lis

Not every injured or ill worker has the "I think I can" attitude of the Little Engine That...

Disability management pegged: Part 1

contributorGabrielle Lis

You don't have to hang anybody out to dry to get your systems pegged. Instead, make plans and...

Shouldering on

contributorGabrielle Lis

A fact sheet about shoulder pain, including workplace contributions and solutions

Top ten ways to reduce sick leave

contributorGabrielle Lis

Keep workers and reduce sick leave with a dose of sick leave sugar (and a dash of lemon!)

Signs of employee disengagement

contributorAnna Kelsey-Sugg

Advice on how to bite the signs of disengagement - before they bite you

Anxiety Q&A 3: Working with anxiety

contributorGabrielle Lis

This final instalment provides tips for helping anxious employees maintain their cool and remain...

Suspicious about a claim at your small business?

contributorGabrielle Lis

There are three golden rules for small business owners who doubt the work-relatedness of an...

Back Pain & RTW

contributorCheryl Griffiths

Everything you need to know about back pain and RTW in one hit!

Communicating with "The System"

contributorRosemary McKenzie-Ferguson and Gabrielle Lis

Workers struggle to listen and be heard. How does this affect them?

Trouble communicating? Stop talking: Listen!

contributorGabrielle Lis

A quick guide to the advantages and basic techniques of active listening.