Research Updates

This page lists all research updates available on Return to Work Matters.

Research is chosen for review based on quality of the evidence and its practical value in return to work.

Requests to undertake reviews of research on particular subjects are welcome.

Click the ‘Topics’ button below to drill down into all articles and research updates on your topic of interest.

Should you put your neck out for exercise

contributorHannah Bourne

How effective are exercises in treating mechanical neck problems?

Teamwork: what works?

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Teamwork is an art and a science. Learn to nurture it with style!

"But I didn't touch him"

contributorFriyana Bhabha

What is non-physical violence, and how does it impact the workplace?

She'll be right: Under-reporting injury in the workplace

contributorFrancesca McSteen

According to one study, only 52% of work related injury and illness gets reported

Back pain with no explanation is scary

contributorHannah Bourne

What do people with different kinds of back pain believe about pain and how do these beliefs...

Seeking compensation for major trauma after accidental injury - more stress than its worth??

contributorJoy Hewitt

A clinical study has identified that the development and persistence of post-traumatic stress...

Real bad back pain? On-the-spot physio provides short term gain

contributorTom Wells-Quinn

Physiotherapy for acute back pain is good in the short term, but education and movement bring...

Treating knee pain in older adults

contributorFriyana Bhabha

Practitioners under-prescribe key effective treatments: Education, exercise and weight loss

What contributes to recurrent back bother?

contributorHannah Bourne

A look at the workplace factors associated with repeat visits to back pain clinics

Depression: Optimising care for the employee and the workplace

contributorTom Wells-Quinn

Depression exacerbates and prolongs pain. What does this mean for the workplace?

Lets get physical, physical!

contributorHannah Bourne

What makes some people more likely to participate in physical activity than others?

Costs vs benefits of obesity interventions

contributorFriyana Bhabha

Workplace health program shows reductions in total health costs and improvements in productivity

A tool to measure motivation

contributorJoy Hewitt

The Model of Creative Ability may be a useful tool in return-to-work programs to assess and...

Supermarket workers shelve musculoskeletal disorders

contributorFrancesca McSteen

Lower back pain poses problems for supermarket workers, but chances are they wont tell

Competencies required for effective return-to-work coordination

contributorJoy Hewitt

A recent review of the literature has identified the core competencies that are important for...

Coaching the chronically ill

contributorFriyana Bhabha

Education, behavioural change and support: Effective coaching methods to assist patients

Mismanaging depression

contributorTom Wells-Quinn

What are the barriers to effective management of depression in the workplace?

Is your arthritis a pain in the back?

contributorHannah Bourne

This study investigates the link between osteoarthritis in the facet joints of the spine and the...

Does zest for work influence return to work?

contributorAndrea Thompson

Job satisfaction and engagement both influence work attendance.

Does safety education save backs?

contributorHannah Bourne

Can workplace back safety education programs reduce the risk of back injuries and complications?

Doctors and back pain: Who you see influences the treatment you get

contributorHannah Bourne

While some doctors follow best practice guidelines for lower back pain, many get it wrong...

Back pain? Stick a needle in it!

contributorHannah Bourne

Researchers examine the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating chronic low back pain.

Healthy work environment = Healthy workers

contributorFrancesca McSteen

Workers care about support and respect in the workplace and notice whether health and safety are...

6 elements of successful workplace health programs

contributorFrancesca McSteen

Want healthy workers? A well designed workplace health program can help!

When to take extended sick leave. A complex decision for workers with spine-related pain

contributorJoy Hewitt

This study identified a range of factors that influence when workers with neck and low-back...

Ways to whip whiplash

contributorHannah Bourne

An overview of whiplash injury

It is personal

contributorHannah Bourne

The factors in your private life that may affect your professional one

Healthy at work

contributorHannah Bourne

Productivity declines more when unwell people are at work rather than absent.

Feeling the pinch - what does sickness cost the employer?

contributorHannah Bourne

Investigating these costs more thoroughly will enable employers to develop strategies for...

Assessing workplace productivity losses. Questioning the questionnaires

contributorHannah Bourne

When looking at the factors which impact upon workplace productivity, we also need to look at...

Pain or gain

contributorHannah Bourne

Research shows that health improvement programs are both physically and financially successful.

Poor health linked to lower productivity

contributorHannah Bourne

Why investing in worker health may boost productivity.

Help us help you

contributorHannah Bourne

How to maximize employee participation in workplace health promotion programs...

The sick truth

contributorHannah Bourne

The factors that increase employees number of sick days.

Screening the future

contributorHannah Bourne

Clinicians and leading researchers evaluate the effectiveness of early screening in preventing...

The missing link

contributorHannah Bourne

Clinicians are good at putting medical pieces of the patient-puzzle in place. What happens when...

Need a hand?

contributorHannah Bourne

The factors which impact workers with hand injuries returning to work

Injury blues

contributorHannah Bourne

What factors increase the risk of injured workers developing depression?

Is RTW training for supervisors worth it?

contributorHilary Hoare

Training gives supervisors clarity and confidence; and clear, confident supervisors support RTW.