
This page lists all practical and feature articles available on RTWMatters. From top ten tips, how to guides and case studies, through to webinar recordings and video interviews with industry experts.

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Webinar Recording: Improving RTW Outcomes - the Strategic Impact of Work Oriented Treatment Part 1

contributorDr Chris Stevens

Gain an understanding of the strategic impact of Work Oriented Treatment for workers...

Learned helplessness in RTW

contributorA. Richey

'Learned helplessness' is the idea that some people who experience repeated setbacks will...

Banishing Burnout: Strategies for a Constructive Engagement with Work

contributorA. Richey

Dr Michael Leiter, a professor at the Centre for Organisational Research and Development at...

Surgeons: what can other organisations learn from the report?

contributorA. Richey

The Royal Australian College of Surgeons recently released a report into discrimination,...

Webinar recording: Supervisors and co-workers, vital but often overlooked links in RTW

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This webinar explores evidence on how supervisors and coworkers can influence RTW, and how to...

Mental Health: developing an action plan for your workplace - part 2

contributorA. Richey

Once your action plan has been developed, what are the next steps for implementation?

Mental Health: developing an action plan for your workplace - part 1

contributorA. Richey

An estimated one in five employees will be impacted by a mental health condition at any one time...

Critical Ideas for the Psychologically Healthy Workplace

contributorA. Richey

In this webinar on Conflict, Emotion, Incidents, & Behaviour, Pierre Nadeau, Respectful...

Webinar Recording: Knee injuries - Getting employees back on their feet

contributorDr James Crompton

This webinar looks at work contribution to, the nature of, and rehabilitation of knee injuries.

Mental Stress in Australia: Compensation Statistics part 1

contributorA. Richey

Work-related mental stress places a burden on the health and welfare of employees, as well as...

Rehab Providers: how they can influence managers

contributorA. Richey

Rehabilitation providers interact with many of the key people in return to work. Arguably, the...

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: how to promote it

contributorA. Richey

Every business wants to increase productivity and make money. Many businesses are, however,...

RTW cooperation is more effective than control

contributorA. Richey

Cooperation is vital in return to work. Whose buy-in is essential? How can you get it? And why...

Better Workplace Systems: how to implement them

contributorA. Richey

This article takes you through some effective ways of making sure that your workplace systems...

Case management in a nutshell

contributorA. Richey

The management of the work attendance of people with health condition is sometimes called case...

Template Injury Management Policy

contributorA. Richey

Are injury management policies a mystery to you? This template should help.

Injury Management: how to create your policy

contributorA. Richey

An injury management policy provides broad guidelines on the company’s approach to injury...

RTW Systems - How does your workplace stack-up?

contributorA. Richey

Developing effective workplace systems can be challenging. It can also be difficult to know if...

Exploring Injury Reporting Systems

contributorA. Richey

Early reporting can have a huge impact on RTW outcomes, so the system used should be well-suited...

Webinar recording: Using Disability Guidelines to assist return to work

contributorRobert Aurbach

Recent subscriber survey feedback highlighted the need for more advanced webinar topics and...

Case Study: Time to heal

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Mr L, a tall, solid-framed, right-handed 58 year old man, reported pain in his right elbow....

Case Study: It pays to do the right thing, even when dubious about a claim

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Michael was a 48-year-old machine operator. He had been at the workplace for nine months. During...

2015 RTW Matters Reader Survey: Feedback

contributorRTWMatters team

This survey article looks at how you use the RTW Matters website. What's useful? How do you use...

Case Study: Injured, but not at work. What to do?

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Workers with injuries sustained away from work may be tempted to protect their financial...

Case Study: How Things Can Go Wrong in Compensation Cases

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study looks at the additional injuries which can occur as a result of the workplace...

2015 RTW Matters Reader Survey: what barriers are you facing?

contributorRTWMatters team

A huge thank you to everyone who responded to our reader survey. It helps us to understand some...

Case Study: Exploring other job options

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

This case study explores the importance of providing options for the injured worker's return to...

Case Study: I Told Them but They Didn't Listen

contributorA. Richey

Ms L is a right handed 46 year old who was employed for ten years to pack domestic cleaning...

Case Study: Back to the Future

contributorA. Richey

Ms P is a 59 year old woman who reported back problems as a result of her long term employment...

Webinar Recording: Workplace conflict - Early action at the coal face

contributorMark Belanti

Conflict is best dealt with early, and by those involved.

Role Summary: Psychologist

contributorA. Richey

Psychology is the study of the mind and associated behaviours. A psychologist's focus may be on...

How to get the best out of your physiotherapist

contributorA. Richey

Physiotherapy treatment is common for a range of standard conditions, particularly including...

On Being a Company Doctor

contributorDr James Crompton

Dr James Crompton discusses the challenges and rewards of working as a company doctor.

When you suspect an employee

contributorA. Richey

Joe Unreliable and Jane Dodge have lodged claims for workers' compensation. How should you...

Role Summary: Return to Work Coordinator

contributorA. Richey

Effective RTW coordinators play a vital role in injury management and prevention. It's neither a...

What is an IME?

contributorA. Richey

IME stands for Independent Medical Examination. They are used for a variety of reasons,...

Role Summary: Treaters

contributorA. Richey

The term, 'treaters' includes general practitioners, medical specialists and allied health...

Role Summary: Rehabilitation Providers

contributorA. Richey

Rehabilitation providers are multidisciplinary organisations which employ professionals from a...

Role Summary: Exercise Physiologist

contributorA. Richey

Exercise Physiologists are Allied Health professionals who focus on therapeutic physical...

Role Summary: Senior Management

contributorA. Richey

Senior management provides leadership for the team and sets the tone for the rest of the...