
This page lists all practical and feature articles available on RTWMatters. From top ten tips, how to guides and case studies, through to webinar recordings and video interviews with industry experts.

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Tips for patients who have big decisions to make

contributorGabrielle Lis

Doctors don't dictate your fate. Learn how to get the information you need to make good...

Good news: RTWMatters is free for RTW Coordinators in South Australia

contributorRTWMatters team

RTW Coordinators, are you missing out on help from a RTW ally? Or keeping a good thing to...

The end of sitting

contributorGabrielle Lis

Forget whistling: can standing, walking and cycling while we work improve the health of...

Not fit for work

contributorGabrielle Lis

Why have “fit notes” failed to transform sickness certification in the UK - and what can the UK...

"Termis" and tragedy

contributorGabrielle Lis

When injured workers are seen as numbers and claims terminations are rewarded at the expense of...

Webinar recording: Manage your mindset

contributorMark Stipic

3 key principles of communication you can start using immediately to speed up your RTW outcomes

What injured workers want

contributorGabrielle Lis

The bad news: according to workers, positive interactions with insurers are few and far between....

Workplace solutions for worried claimants

contributorGabrielle Lis

What do workers who lodge a claim for psychological injury worry about? And how can the...

Workers fear lodging claims for psych injury

contributorGabrielle Lis

Lodging a psycological injury claim in Australia is a scary business, and the scarier it is...

Consequences of bad juju between workers and insurers

contributorGabrielle Lis

When interactions with insurers are negative, workers’ compensation claimants describe serious...

Workplace MSDs: Neck, arm, hand interventions rated

contributorGabrielle Lis

Working out at work can prevent common musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, arm and hand. Find...

Supportive supervisors see more RTW

contributorGabrielle Lis

Australian data shows that supervisors who are seen to promote physical and psychological...

Top five insurer fails: Injured workers talk

contributorGabrielle Lis

In workers’ compensation systems across the world, injured workers describe predominantly...

Qualitative VS Quantitative research

contributorGabrielle Lis

What is qualitative research? Can it help solve the puzzle of why workers’ compensation seems to...

Spinal fusion: All pain, no gain?

contributorGabrielle Lis

Australians are turning to spinal fusions to control lower back pain despite a lack of evidence....

How to support psychological claimants

contributorGabrielle Lis

When psychological claimants feel supported by their employer the RTW outlook is bright. Here we...

Webinar recording: Employers - The biggest influencers in RTW

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Dr Wyatt discusses the lessons for employers from Return to Work Survey findings

New data shows employer support crucial for psychological claimants

contributorGabrielle Lis

In Australia, only one third of psychological claimants feel supported by their employer: those...

How-to guide: Calling psychological injury claimants

contributorGabrielle Lis

Delaying contact with workers who’ve claimed for psychological injury can delay return to work....

Two-thirds of psychological claimants report no workplace contact

contributorGabrielle Lis

New research shows Australian employers delay and even avoid contact with workers who make...

Comparing the data: physical and psychological claims

contributorGabrielle Lis

Dr Wyatt dug into the data on the outcomes and experiences of Australian workers who lodge...

How Dr Wyatt analysed the National Return to Work Survey

contributorGabrielle Lis

In which we introduce the National Return to Work Survey, describe how Dr Wyatt has analysed the...

WorkSafe Victoria failing the most vulnerable: insurers profiting

contributorGabrielle Lis

We summarise the Victorian Ombudsman's investigation into WorkSafe's handling of complex claims,...

Better than ever: Enjoy the revamped RTWMatters website

contributorDr Mary Wyatt

Our best content is now easier to navigate. Keep an eye out for new research and resources that...

Webinar recording: Effective physical rehab

contributorDamien Amsuss

The injured worker needs and deserves it.

Can you ‘teach’ workers to be more emotionally resilient?

contributorYvonne Brunetto

You may know someone like this at work: optimistic and resilient, they appear to bounce through...

A basic introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

contributorFerdinand Marin

Learn the basics about Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), one of the most effective forms of...

Webinar recording: Rebuilding life after brain injury

contributorSue Sloan

Approaches to supporting people to rebuild meaningful life role participation.

Webinar recording: Physiotherapists and return to work

contributorRoss Iles & Paul Coburn

This panel discussion explores physiotherapy strategic approaches to improve return to work and...

Bus Wellness Guide 2: A guide for managers

contributorA. Richey

Managers and supervisors can have an enormous impact on employee health, wellness and safety....

Webinar recording: Improve mental health in your workplace

contributorKevin St Mart

An introduction to the Workplace Alliance and Beyondblue's workplace mental health initiative

Speaking Up 4: When injured workers need to speak up

contributorA. Richey

Effective communication is particularly important when an injured worker is returning to work...

Speaking Up 3: Staff speaking up

contributorA. Richey

As an employee, it's often seen as easier to keep quiet, but the reality is that you need to...

Speaking Up 2: Employers enabling open communication

contributorA. Richey

Many employees tend to be wary of communicating openly in the workplace, so what can employers...

Speaking Up 1: The Benefits of Open Communication

contributorA. Richey

Open communication in the workplace is sign of a positive workplace culture.

Webinar recording: Cultivating happiness at work to improve RTW

contributorAlexandra Blakemore

The Happiness at Work Program, a 30-day program devised to improve personal happiness and...